Note: The Bachelor's program "General Engineering Science" (GES) was discontinued in 2020 and will be phased out by 31 March 2027. Applications for this program are not possible.
Seven-semester Bachelor of Science program
The B.Sc. in General Engineering Science (GES) is an especially wide-ranging and demanding study program. The basics of all branches of engineering are taught unabridged in the lectures of the study programs in question. In contrast to the parallel study program Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften (AIW), most first-year GES lectures are in English and are therefore an alternative for students who would like to undertake part of their studies at the TUHH in English. Together with the German language courses on offer at the TUHH, that makes it easier for international students to get off to a successful start with their studies. At the same time German students are prepared for the international employment and educational market by the TUHH’s foreign language courses.
General Engineering Science is an especially wide-ranging and demanding study program. After their first year, students opt for one of a total of nine specializations:
• Civil Engineering
• Bioprocess Engineering
• Electrical Engineering
• Energy and Environmental Engineering
• Computer Science
• Mechanical Engineering
• Biomedical Engineering
• Naval Architecture
• Chemical Engineering.
Diagram: Structure of the GES study program; the subjects in red are taught in English.
GES students concentrate on engineering basics and their permanently valid physical and mathematical laws and methods. They will thus become aware of connections between electrical engineering, process engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering and civil engineering. By attending lectures in the different areas of engineering, students will be familiarized with the language and concepts of the different engineering disciplines. In spite of the extensive basic education, subject-specific knowledge is not dispensed with. After their first year students must opt for a specific specialization.
By means of cross-disciplinary knowledge they are able them to develop solutions to interdisciplinary problems. This basic interdisciplinary knowledge enables GES students to work their way into new areas fast, to mediate between engineering disciplines, and to keep pace with a constantly changing working environment.
Their subsequent career options are correspondingly wide-ranging. General Engineering Science graduates are especially in demand where cross-disciplinary knowledge is required, such as in medical engineering, mechatronics, or energy technology. Their subject expertise is accompanied by a language competence that enables them to work above all in an international environment.
This international alignment is supported by the option to spend a part of the study period at universities elsewhere in Europe and further afield. GES partner universities include Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, Texas Tech University, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, and the Université de Technologie Compiègne, France. Ever since it was launched in 1994 this international Bachelor’s study program at the TUHH has attracted high achievers from across Germany and other countries to study in Hamburg.
After taking their B.Sc., students with suitable specializations can go on to study national and international Master’s programs for a further three semesters for a further qualification. They can also study for a regular M.Sc. at the TUHH. If they opt for a four-semester Master’s program all four semesters at the TUHH will qualify for a BAföG student loan in spite of the seven semesters spent studying for the B.Sc. at the TUHH.
All admission modalities are laid down in the Satzung über das Studium (Statutes on Studying at the TUHH).
To apply to study General Engineering Science, applicants must prove German and English language proficiency. The exact requirements you find here:
One precondition is a ten-week pre-study placement, the details of which are dealt with in the Internship Regulations. Proof of completion is not required until students register their thesis, but we strongly recommend serving the internship before embarking on the study program – for reasons both of content and of organizing your studies. The study program also includes a 12-week subject-related internship to be served at the end of the study period inter alia for the purpose of career orientation. This internship can also be served abroad subject to the visa requirements of the country in question.
The module manuals describe the study program and the specifics of the modules as laid down in the curriculum and their learning objectives. They also provide information about course contents, recommended prior knowledge and preparatory or accompanying literature.
The General Course Provisions and Examination Regulations (ASPO) and the Subject-specific Part of the Course and Examination Regulations (FSPO) define the framework conditions for examinations at the TUHH.
AIW/GES study program coordinator:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Seifried
Email: robert.seifried(at)tuhh(dot)de
Academic advisor:
Ferdinand Kieckhäfer
Email: ferdinand.kieckhaefer(at)tuhh(dot)de
Student body (Fachschaftsrat):
Email: fsr-aiw(at)tuhh(dot)de
Student Counselling Office
(040) 42878 - 2232
Email: studienberatung(at)tuhh(dot)de