Information Sessions

Studying & Internship Abroad

Studying Abroad - Info Sessions

Please consult before the session:

International Affairs / Team Outgoing

Info sessions will be held during lecture period (April-June, October-January):

PP-Presentation SoSo25

  • Dein Weg ins Ausland?! Studium & Kurzaufenthalte / Studying abroad?! Exchange semester & short-term mobilities
    Thu 17.04.25 
    | 16:30 - 18:00 p.m. | DE |  with Marina Less | digital/Zoom: link will follow one day before, Meeting-ID: xxx, Kenncode: xxx, room will be open shortly before 16:30
  • Go Abroad Fair - Dein Weg ins Ausland?! Studium, Praktikum & Kurzaufenthalte
    Wed 14.05.24 
    | 14:00 - 18:00 p.m. | DE |  with Team Outgoing / students / student initiatives | on campus/room: building A - LuK
    Come around and talk to former outgoing exchange students from TUHH and current incoming exchange students at TUHH about their experiences on studying abroad at our partner universities. There will be presentations from Team Outgoing on studying abroad, internship abroad and short-term mobilitites and from other student initiatives.
    Programme will be published here.  

    Internship Abroad - Info Sessions

    • Wed 15.01.24 | 17:30 - 18:45 | German | Q&A with students, who did an internship abroad - Please register first
      After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.