Your Bachelor's or Master's studies at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until July 15.


Good Scientific Practice

Scientific integrity forms the basis of trustworthy science. It is an expression of scientific self-obligation, which includes respectful interaction with each other, with people, animals, cultural assets and the environment, and which strengthens and promotes society's indispensable trust in science. The constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science is inseparably linked to a corresponding responsibility. It is the primary task of every scientist and of the institutions in which science is organized to take this responsibility fully into account and to anchor it as a guideline for their own actions. Science itself ensures good scientific practice through honest thought and action, not least through organizational and procedural regulations.

The following links include TU's alignment with the DFG Code requirements, including research data, plus detailed implementation and current ombudspersons.

Useful links can be found in the media library.

TUHH Guidelines

Research Data Guidelines

Current Ombudsperson

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wrona
Tel.: +49 40 428 78 4567
E-Mail: thomas.wrona(a)

2nd Ombudsperson - N.N.

Last Update - 06.2024

Good Scientific Practice @ TUHH - Media Library


Icon / File / General
Ensuring good scientific practice at the TUHH: implementation and fields of action
Doctoral supervision agreement
GSP implementation at the TUHH

Video for Students: Good Scientific Practice