Accessibility Statement

This accessibility statement applies to the websites published under the domain, provided the pages were created using the university's TYPO3 content management system and employ the current web design of the university.

As a public authority within the meaning of Paragraph 2 of the "Hamburgisches Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz" (hereinafter referred to as HmbBGG), we strive to make our websites accessible in accordance with the provisions of the HmbBGG and the "Hamburgische Barrierefreien Informationstechnik-Verordnung" (hereinafter referred to as HmbBITVO) to implement Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

Compliance Status with the Requirements

The accessibility requirements are derived from Paragraph 1 HmbBITVO in conjunction with Paragraphs 3 Sections 1 to 4 and Paragraph 4 of the Federal BITV, issued on the basis of Paragraph 11 HmbBGG.

The assessment of compliance with the requirements is based on an evaluation conducted by DIAS GmbH on June 17, 2024. The test was conducted largely following the testing procedure described under BIK BITV-Web-Test.

Based on the evaluation, the website does not comply with the aforementioned requirements due to the following non-accessible content.

Non-Accessible Content

The content listed below is not accessible:

Test Criterion according to WCAG 2.1 and EN 301 549Short NameEvaluation contentfailed and relationshipsfailed (minimum)failed blocksfailed

Additionally Tested Criteria

Test criterionEvalution
A link to explanations in Easy Language is availablefailed
A link to explanations in German Sign Language is availablefailed
Testing PDF documents for accessibilityfailed

Hamburg University of Technology is working to eliminate existing barriers. In the context of technical and editorial revisions of the website, the requirements listed above will be implemented step by step by the end of 2025. It is planned that a further comprehensive test will subsequently be carried out, and its results will be reflected in this statement.

Date of Creation or Last Update of the Accessibility Statement

This statement was created on January 10, 2025.

Reporting Barriers

Would you like to inform us about existing barriers or request information about the implementation of accessibility? For your feedback and any further information, please contact our responsible persons:

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Department Communication
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1
DE-21073 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42878-3330
E-mail: pressestelle[at]

Conciliation Procedure

If no satisfactory solution has been found after your feedback to the above contact, you can contact the conciliation body according to Paragraph 13 a HmbBGG. The conciliation body aims to support out-of-court conflict resolution regarding accessibility issues between individuals with disabilities and public authorities. The conciliation procedure is free of charge. There is no need to engage legal counsel. Further information can be found at

How to reach the conciliation body:




Schlichtungsstelle HmbBGG c/o Öffentliche Rechtsauskunft- und Vergleichsstelle (ÖRA)
Dammtorstraße 14
DE-20354 Hamburg