Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Consultation offers by the Student Counseling Center / other institutions

Here you can find the consultation offers by the Student Counseling Center and further offers by other institutions.


Prospective TUHH students and school students

The Student Counseling Center provides information, advice and events for prospective TUHH students and school students
on the following topics:

  • Basic information about courses at the TUHH 
  • Choosing a course, deciding what to study 
  • Applying for a place and starting your studies
  • Preparing to study and study requirements
  • Conditions and course of studies
  • Studying without university entrance qualification
  • Studying with impairment
  • Any other issues and topics that are important to you

You can find our information offers for prospective students here. Our office hours please find here.

For TUHH students

Counseling for TUHH students

The Student Counseling Center provides general student counseling and psychological counseling (also in English language) for TUHH students throughout their studies.
Students may refer to the Student Counseling Center in case of personal matters or problems as well as with study-related questions:

  • Orientation on course of studies (curricula, examination regulations, etc.) 
  • Academic work techniques for students, optimizing your personal style of work in the context of German universities
  • Writing consultation
  • Individual study planning after illness, pregnancy, etc. 
  • Preparing for exams, examination stress
  • Repeat exams, supplementary exams or conclusively failed exams
  • Switching your degree course, guidance on alternative courses
  • Dropping out, reorientation
  • Social and financial issues that affect your studies
  • Studying with impairment
  • Psychological counseling on personal issues and problems 
  • Any other issues and topics that are important to you

Individual Counseling (for TUHH students):

During an appointment we take the time to answer your questions. If necessary, further individual counseling sessions can be arranged with the respective counselor.

Registration for individual counseling (only for TUHH students): via the Infothek


Studying with Impairment

Prospective students and students usually face special questions and challenges in choosing a degree program and when taking up and completing their studies. This also applies to prospective students and students with a disability, a chronic illness or similar impairment.*

The Student Counseling Center of TUHH aims at enabling all students to participate in studies and in student life as independently as possible and with equal opportunities. You are welcome to seek advice on this issue and make an appointment via the Infothek.

Please find hee information on relevant information and support services as well as organisations and contact persons.

StartING - Support during your first semester

For all students following Bachelor’s degree programs

The StartING@TUHH tutorial program run by the Student Counseling Center eases you into studying at TUHH and helps you to navigate the complex university system. Getting off to a good start will help you throughout your studies.

More information and times

Writing Consultation

Counseling on the management of writing projects

(Bachelor thesis, Master thesis, Diplomarbeit, project work, seminar paper, internship report etc.)

More information and appointments

Counseling regarding doubts of study and alternatives

If you are in doubt with respect to your choice of studies or university or with respect to studying in general, you are welcome to seek advice at the TUHH Student Counseling Center. We help you to find out whether (your field of) studying is an adequate option for you, how you can increase your motivation and enhance your study performance or how you can find a suitable alternative.

Coaching Sessions - Online talk format for all students from 2./3. semester upwards


We want you to be able to study well and with success. So, every week during the semester, we talk online, on zoom, about relevant topics in the field of „how to study“.

The experience of older students plus psychological counseling info benefits many students, Bachelor or Master. The Student Counseling Center, together with students, organizes Coaching Sessions on many moving issues.

More information and times


Revision Courses plus

Many freshman students in engineering sciences fail their first attempts in the exams of core subjects like Mathematics and Mechanics. For many of them the result is a negative dynamic due to attempts to catch up and to further failed exams up to a possible dropout after four or more semesters as a result.

In tutor-based joint projects the Student Counseling Center at TUHH in cooperation with the respective institutes and the ZLL offers to second semester students a double support strategy through the Repetitorien plus (Revision Courses plus). The “plus” characterizes the non-technical elements of the revision courses.

The combination of subject-specific and psycho-educational support aims to help students at an early stage to gain both subject-specific and self-regulating competences and thereby to countervail the negative dynamic arising from putting the problem aside or not taking it seriously, from relying on inappropriate learning strategies and from indecision as to personal objectives (exams, curriculum, review: Is it the right study program for me?, etc.), thereby also aiming at successfully taking responsibility for their own personal and educational development.

For the tutors the Repetitorien plus offer an excellent training field for gaining experience in managing groups, in moderating and in presenting as well as for acquiring knowledge on communication and group dynamics, thus also enhancing their non-technical qualification.

More information and registration

Workshops and Presentations

Wir wollen Sie auf dem Weg zu einem erfolgreichen Studienabschluss unterstützen.

Unser Angebot richtet sich an alle Studierenden der TUHH und bietet eine effiziente Möglichkeit zum Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen, die besonders für die Kern- und Abschlussphase des Studiums relevant sind, Ihnen aber auch im Alltag und im späteren Berufsleben nützlich sein werden.

Die Workshops und Vorträge finden aktuell auf DEUTSCH statt.

Termine, Themen und Anmeldelinks

Final Exam Coaching (SAC)

The Final Exam Coaching (StudienAbschlussCoaching/SAC) is one element of the FinishING program. Together with you and in a confidential atmosphere, we develop individual strategies and ways towards the successful completion of your studies in face-to-face sessions.

Possible topics and appointment scheduling

Social Counseling

The Counseling Center for Social & International Affairs (BeSI) of the Hamburg Studierendenwerk supports university students and prospective students when confronted with social, personal or financial difficulties. This service also includes counseling regarding insurance matters. For students and prospective students with chronic illnesses or disabilities BeSI provides guidance within the scope of the statutes governing university environments.

The Counseling Center for Study Financing (BeSt) of the Hamburg Studierendenwerk provides objective counseling regarding BAFöG, grants and student loans to students and prospective students.