Study programs in the School of Mechanical Engineering

The institutes of the School of Mechanical Engineering are closely integrated into various research specializations. Because of this and the TUHH’s traditionally strong research focus, our courses are research-oriented as a general rule.

The aim of the Bachelor’s programs is not only to lay the theoretical foundation for a later academic career but first and foremost to equip students with practical knowledge and problem solving skills.

The standard final qualification is a Master’s degree. Master’s degrees build directly on Bachelor’s degrees. They are optimally coordinated and equivalent to graduation with an engineering diploma (Dipl.-Ing.).

Our widely diversified offering, ranging from product development to aeronautics or shipbuilding, and the knowledge and skills imparted open up for graduates a variety of interesting work opportunities, particularly in research and development in various branches of industry such as mechanical and systems engineering, automotive engineering, naval architecture and aeronautical engineering.

A further interesting opportunity for suitable graduates is to pursue postgraduate studies while working as a research assistant on an institute research project and to take a doctorate in engineering or natural science (Dr.-Ing. or Dr. rer. nat.).

Bachelor's Programs

Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl

Naval Architecture (B.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Friedrich Wirz

Master's Programs

Energy Systems (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Arne Speerforck

Aeronautics (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Frank Thielecke

Biomedical Engineering (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Michael Morlock

Product Development, Materials and Production (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Dieter Krause

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Sören Ehlers

Theoretical Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Robert Seifried

International Master's Programs

Materials Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Jörg Weißmüller

Mechanical Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Nikola Bursac

Mechatronics (M.Sc.)
Program coordinator: Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl

Joint Masters in Ship and Offshore Technology (M.Sc.)
Studiengangsleitung: Prof. Sören Ehlers