Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

How to establish partnerships

Are you a member of TUHH interested in signing an agreement with a university worldwide?

If you are planning to collaborate with a partner from abroad, including research and/or the exchange of students/doctoral students, a cooperation agreement can be signed at university wide level or by a school or institute.

In general, agreements are signed by the school / institute after approval by its board of studies.

Please involve the Department International Affairs as early as possible in this process.

Partnerships on a university level

Only in special cases is a contract concluded on a "university-wide" basis.

This is the case if

  1. at least two schools are involved in the cooperation and actually consider it appropriate
  2. the partner university insists on the signature of the university management, a university-wide agreement is required as part of a funding programme and the signature of the university management is not sufficient as a supplement to the departmental agreement
  3. the cooperation is of such strategic importance that it justifies the signature of the university management.

The General Agreement is framework agreement that can be concluded at university level, for example, and can be supplemented by detailed, department-specific agreements for student or academic exchanges if necessary.


Agreement of Study Exchange

The Agreement of Student Exchange regulates all important details for the exchange of students.



ERASMUS+ Student and Staff Mobility Agreement

If you are interested in signing an ERASMUS+ Student and Staff Mobility Agreement in the 2021-2027 generation of programmes, the institutional Erasmus coordinator will sign an IIA (Interinstitutional Agreement) after the board of studies has accepted the cooperation.


Are you a representative from a university interested in signing an agreement with us?

For new agreements and university collaborations, it is very important to involve/contact professors at Hamburg University of Technology, as they will be responsible for the academic part of any exchange or research collaboration. They would also be responsible for the study programme, research proposals and recognition issues. New agreements will only be supported by the university board if a school or institute is actively involved with a partner institution.

If you are interested in projects with us it is advisable to contact research departments and institutes directly.


Nicole Frei

Tel: +49 40 42878 4409
E-Mail: n.frei(at)tuhh(dot)de
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A),
Raum A 2.71


Berit Illmann

Tel: +49 40 42878 2270
E-Mail: illmann(at)tuhh(dot)de
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
Raum 00.51


Sascha Diedler

Tel.: +49 40 42878 4726
E-mail: sascha.diedler(at)tuhh(dot)de
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)