Working student job
A working student job also offers a profitable practical experience, which should have a direct relation to the study contents. Since it is completed over a longer period of time, technical skills are already assumed and these are further developed in the course of the activity in an engineering work environment, the working student activity is welcomed by future employers. It is also a great opportunity to expand your network.
Time frame:
Working student jobs are usually aimed at advanced students from higher semesters. This is because specific engineering skills are already required here. The work is performed over a longer period of time in addition to the regular study routine. Working student jobs are paid.
Final thesis in a company
With the final thesis in a company, further practical experience can be gained and a concrete problem can be solved. Another advantage could be that the activity can be remunerated and the course can be set for the subsequent career entry. However, the decisive factor for a Master's thesis in a company is that the supervision of the thesis by the TUHH can be guaranteed on the basis of the corresponding examination regulations. This must be carefully checked in advance with the supervisor, especially with regard to the topic and content of your thesis.
Time frame:
The thesis is usually written in the last semester of university. However, some companies require that you have completed an internship in the company beforehand. This may therefore have to be taken into account in your time planning.
Working as a freelancer (independent contractor)
There are many companies that employ students primarily as freelancers. It offers many advantages, e.g. flexible working hours, usually higher pay than student part-time jobs and the further expansion of your own professional network. Legally, there are some things to consider: for example, inform yourself well in advance whether you need to register a business for the activity.