Applications are open! Apply until 15 January for German-language Master’s programs and selected English-language Master’s programs starting in the summer semester.

Coaching Sessions

Online talk format for all students from 2./3. semester upwards


We want you to be able to study well and with success. So, every week during the semester, we talk online, on zoom, about relevant topics in the field of „how to study“.

The experience of older students plus psychological counseling info benefits many students, Bachelor or Master. The Student Counseling Center, together with students, organizes Coaching Sessions on many moving issues.


Typical topics:

  • Time Management & Schedules
  • Dealing with Stress
  • Finding and efficient collaboration with Study Partners
  • Exam strategy and exam registration
  • Learning strategies for different subjects/courses
  • Motivation / Is This My Study Program?

These are examples. The specialty of Coaching Sessions: Students have a say on topics and priorities.

Further information:
You´ll find Coaching Sessions in Stud.IP. Search „Coaching“ in the current semester.


Birgit Carstensen
32 Zentrale Studienberatung
  • Referentin Repetitorien plus
  • Projekt Lern- und Prüfungskompetenz
  • Prüfungscoaching PAC (R)
Office Hours
Normalerweise bin ich Di - Do an der TUHH
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E),
21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.048
Phone: +49 40 42878 3163