The Department International Affairs offers general orientation to help researchers to organize their stay at TUHH.
Please check our portal for
You are planning a research stay or doctoral studies at Hamburg University of Technology and are looking for an academic host for your stay?
TUHH has decentralised the processing of the research stays to the various TUHH schools of study according to the research subject.
For detailed information on core research areas and research topics please visit the TUHH webpage on research and transfer.
Contact possibilities:
Visiting academic researchers : via one of the TUHH schools of study directly.
Candidates for doctoral dissertation: webpage Doctoral Degrees Portal
Students individual research stays/project work/internship please check here
The management of the staff mobility trainings at the TUHH is decentralized! It means that you should address your inquiry about finding your appropriate training area to respective TU department or TU institute directly. Please start your research by visiting the TUHH Webpage.
After you have arranged your application formalities with the responsible TUHH institute, you will need to adress a number of practical issues associated with entry formalities to Germany, like applying for visa, finding accommodation and taking out the insurance.
If you have to apply for a visa to enter Germany, you will need an invitation letter from the Institute. Please contact your TUHH supervisor.
Make sure you apply for this visa in good time at the German diplomatic mission in your home country. EU nationals and nationals of certain countries (e.g., Australia, Great Britain, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Canada, Liechtenstein, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, and the United States) do not need a visa to enter Germany.
If you enter Germany from a non-EU country, you must prove you have sufficient financial resources when you apply for the visa. If you can enter Germany without a visa, you can prove you have sufficient financial resources when you apply for a residence permit.
Researchers from non-EU countries who plan to stay more than 90 days need a host agreement to apply for their visa and residence permit. Contact person for hosting agreements at TUHH: The Manager of Internationalisation Mrs Nicole Frei/ e-mail: n.frei(at)tuhh(dot)de
Further important information on visa and entry formalities can be found on the homepages of Euraxess; The Hamburg Welcome Portal and Federal Foreign Office.
Finding accommodation in Hamburg, especially for a short period of time can be difficult and expensive as well. We advise you to take care of the searching for accommodation well in time. We can advise you on finding appropriate housing. Please contact: rooms(at)tuhh(dot)de and check the pdf list with housing offers in Hamburg for guest reserachers on the website of accommodation service.
Health insurance for you stay in Germany is mandatory.
Please contact your insurance company to check whether your existing health insurance covers treatment costs in Germany (this usually applies for EU citizens). If your existing insurance does not cover treatment costs in Germany, you either need to extend it or take out an additional insurance for the time of your stay in Germany. As a rule, guest researchers have to have private health insurance. More information and links to various private insurance providers can be found at Euraxess Germany, the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation's information and DAAD advice portal for international researchers. Please note that the travel insurances are usually not covering the real costs of the medical treatment in Germany needed in the case of accident or illness.
If you plan to stay in Hamburg for more than 3 months, you will have to register as a resident within two weeks after your arrival. Further information about the citizen registration procedure as well as the online appointment tool can be found here.
You must apply for a residence permit at the local Immigration Office within the period for which your national visa is valid if it does not cover the entire duration of your stay. You can use the online portal for arranging the appointement.
The special services for arranging your city registration and residence permit as well as guidance for your new start in Hamburg can be provided by The Hamburg Welcome Center! You can contact them for getting an appointment at: info(at); Tel.: +49 40 428 54 5001
In order to get access to TUHH Campus facilities you have to register at TUHH. Depending on your status you will be registered as a Guest Researcher (valid for all internship students, visiting academics, guests conducting researches for their doctoral dissertation): Please contact the department STUDIS – Admission & Registration/ Mrs Hennke/ room 0026/SBS 95E for filling out the form and carrying out your registration procedure.
For registration as a regular TUHH PHD student (valid for PHD research fellows in an institute): Please contact the PHD Office
You are coming to Germany with your life partner and one or more children and need support in organising a childcare? You can make use of the TUHH day care centre! Your children will meet playmates of their own age there and you’ll easily get to know other parents. For more information, please contact the TUHH Family Office which provides support for spouses and children of visiting scientist.
Contact data: Tel.: 040 42878 3968/ E-Mail: familienbuero(at)
The Graduate Academy serves as an umbrella facility and central point of contact for PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers at the TUHH. By addressing a broad range of transferable skills that are either currently needed or required in the future, the Graduate Academy helps junior scientists to strengthen their professional skills and become aware of individual career goals either in academia or in other research-related fields in industry or NGOs. In addition to workshops on transferable skills the Graduate Academy's formats include counseling as well as information and networking events.
Contact: E-Mail: graduiertenakademie(at)
TUHH wants to assist researchers at risk in continuing their research career and to provide support for researchers suffering persecution and oppression so that they could continue their studies or doctoral work in safety at a German university.
Please find here an overview of the various funding opportunities available:
Euraxess Germany
Information platform for guest researchers
Hamburg Welcome Center
Special services for guest researchers in Hamburg: arranging residence permit, city registration and general guidance for new start in Hamburg!
The DAAD guide "Research in Germany"
General information for guest researchers
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
General information for guest researchers, information on residence permits and application procedures for researchers from third countries
HIAS Fellowships Program: The fellowship program is aimed at both outstanding established scholars and promising emergent early career researchers (minimum requirement: doctorate) as well as artists and cultural professionals.
Federal Foreign Office
Information on visas and regulations for entering Germany as well as the requisite application forms
European Commission: EU Immigration Portal
Information for non-EU citizens wishing to carry out research in Germany
Do you have any further questions or need support? Do not hesitate to contact the International Office.
Information on formalities, right of residence, financing, insurance and much more.