Visiting research students at TUHH

Project work/individual internship

Individual project work

Projects for completion of Bachelor or Master Thesis are usually carried out at the TUHH or with co- (supervision) of an  external institution/company. The supervising TUHH professor defines the required documentation and presentation of the student´s project.
The first step to start the procedure  is to contact the relevant supervising professor directly in one of the TUHH Research Institutes according to your research subject.

Individual internship

If you are interested in doing an individual internship / project at TUHH  your should contact the relevant supervising professor- in one of the TUHH Research Institutes directly.  Such projects are usually carried out at the TUHH or with co- (supervision) of an  external institution/company. The supervising TUHH professor defines the required documentation and presentation of the student´s project.
(Please note that you will not be enrolled as an exchange student, but as a guest researcher. It is not possible for guest reserachers to attend courses and transfer credits.)

The registration at TUHH- in order to get access to the campus infrastructure- will be as Guest Researcher. 
Please contact the STUDIS department /Mrs Hennke at: Vanessa.hennke(at)tuhh(dot)de who will help you to carry out the registration procedure.

Erasmus traineeship

Students coming to TU

HH from ERASMUS partner universities, are regular interns at departments of TUHH – with the exception that they receive a grant from their home university through the ERASMUS student mobility for traineeship programme (SMP or SMT).
No bilateral ERASMUS agreement is needed.
ERASMUS traineeship (SMP/SMT) is not to be confused with ERASMUS student mobility for studies (SMS), also called ERASMUS student exchange.

  • The Learning Agreement of ERASMUS Traineeship has to be signed by the direct supervisor  (member of the TUHH department) of the internship.
  • The registration as a guest researcher (not as an exchanage student) will be carried out by the STUDIS department /Mrs Hennke.
  • Please contact Mrs Hennke at: Vanessa.hennke(at)tuhh(dot)de who will help you to carry out the registration procedure so that you will be able to get access to the TUHH Campus infrastructure.

TUHH Internship Programmes with partner institutions

University of Waterloo  / University of Barkeley

Students coming from the above partner institutions are regular student research assistants at the TUHH Institute and will be registered as exchange students. The Research Institute will provide information and assist you with your application and registration procedure.

Please contact MUM Institute /Prof R. Seifried/ Email: robert.seifried(at)
or exchange coordinator Prof. Dücker/Email: daniel.duecker(at)




The TUHH as a member of of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) offers the possibility of challenge - based learning.

Challenges or Micro Modules are short learning units or single courses within the study programm, which students can choose without the necessity to complete the whole module or study program.

The challenges can be credited with ECTS points depending on their scope. 
Please check the website of challenge_ eciu TUHH to find out more information.

Entry and residence regulations

If you enter Germany from a non-EU country,I you have to apply for a visa,  Make sure you apply for this visa in good time at the German diplomatic mission in your home country. 

(EU nationals and nationals of certain countries (e.g., Australia, Great Britain, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Canada, Liechtenstein, South Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, and the United States) do not need a visa to enter Germany.)

More information: Entry and residence regulations

TUHH Registration and formalities

The Registration at TUHH- in order to get access to the Campus infrastructure- will be as Guest Researcher. 

Please contact the STUDIS department /Mrs Hennke at: Vanessa.hennke(at)tuhh(dot)de who will help you to carry out the registration procedure.

External counselling services in Hamburg

for other relevant issues:

Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg (consumer protection agency)
The consumer protection agency Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg can advise you on many topics, such as broadcasting fees, insurance policies, and mobile phone contracts. See the Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg’s multilingual brochures for an overview of topics.

ÖRA (public legal advice)
Legal consultation is available in all areas of the law. Anyone with a low income and who lives or works in Hamburg can get legal advice.

Mieter helfen Mietern (advocacy organization for renters)
This organization helps tenants who have problems with the rental contracts or landlords. Based on the supporting documents you provide, lawyers will answer your questions, clarify your rights, and help you formulate letters.