School of Process Engineering

With our ten institutes, we conduct interdisciplinary and international research and teaching at the Hamburg Process Engineering in the broad field of biotechnology, chemical process engineering, and environmental and energy process engineering. The development of sustainable, circular and safe processes for high-quality products is the focus of our interest. This also includes environmentally friendly energy supply concepts and the sustainable management of resources to mitigate climate change.

Number of insitutes


Number of professors


Number of scientific employees


Number of students



Process guidelines (internal)

News from the School of Process Engineering

Interested students can register for the intensive course for their own start-up concepts until 23 March 2025
At the study information day the 25th February prospective students find out about study opportunitities at TUHH, e.g. in process engineering
Prof Heinrich's Institute of Solids Process Engineering is hosting the 11th International Granulation Conference
The Dr Kourist grant will be awarded again this year. It is a study grant for Bachelor students of the School of Process Engineering.
On January the 8 th 2024 the new Dean was elected.
Prof. Heinrich has been elected as a member of the Senate Committee for Special Research Fields for three years from 1 January 2025.
Guest lecture by Prof. Haigang Wang, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, on 20.11.2024, 13.15 -14.45 h, Building N Room 0007
From 18 to 20 September 2024, the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes hosted the 7th International Seminar on Aerogels.
Innovatives semesterübergreifendes Lernkonzept für den Bachelorstudiengang in der 2. Runde
The Energieforschungsverbund Hamburg (EFH) invites you to panel discussions and a network meeting at the Patriotische Gesellschaft on 9 October 2024 from 2.15 pm. The topic is the sustainable heating transition in Germany and Hamburg.
Sponsorship awarded for special talent with strong social commitment
Professor Horn's Institute of Chemical Reaction Engineering (V-02) publishes the first measurement of specific adsorbate profiles
Professor Horn has been awarded a BMBF project to develop new materials for catalytic converters.
Prof. Johannes Gescher from the Institute of Technical Microbiology, will koordinate the new DFG programme.
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Mirko Skiborowski on 29 February 2024, 4 pm in Audimax II at the TUHH
Webinar Series from January to February 2024
First Zonta Club award ceremony for women in MINT and STEM subjects. Johanna Spansel from the TUHH won the Woman-in-STEM Award 2023.
Hamburg process engineering team takes part in SPRIND Challenge "Circular Manufacturing"
At the end of their time at the Jesteburg 's Moorweg daycare center in the summer of 2023, twelve lively preschoolers gain an insight into the work of a chemist at the universitiy by Professor Raimund Horn.
TU Hamburg graduates with excellent final grades
Excellent research at the TU Hamburg - A special research area is established in process engineering.
At TUHH, a research initiative "Climate Informed Engineering" was founded under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Nima Shokri and the participation of the School of Process Engineering.
From July 2 to 10, TUHH was represented at the IdeenExpo 2022 in Hannover. The School of Process Engineering exhibited a specially designed popcorn machine.


Teaching in the School of Process Engineering includes a broad education in chemical, biological, and energy engineering with specializations in the application fields relevant to research.

Study programs


Research in the School of Process Engineering focuses on the key topics of change in the raw material and energy base, sustainable food production and innovative reactor technologies.

Research and institutes

International matters

Students in the School of Process Engineering have various possibilities to spend time abroad at one of our partner universities. Further information can be found on the website of the International Office.

International Office

Offers for student resaerch projects and jobs

On this side you can find offers for Bachelor- and Master Thesis and student jobs of the School of Process Engineering.

To the offers