
Dr. Kourist Preis

The Dr Kourist grant will be awarded again this year. It is a study grant for Bachelor students of the School of Process Engineering.

Are you interested in your studies, are you curious about science and technology, and do you want to get a good degree?
- However, in order to finance your studies, you have to work part-time, care for relatives or are socially involved and cannot devote yourself fully to your studies?
- Then you are one of the students that Dr Kourist would like to help achieve a good Bachelor's degree with its sponsorship programme!

With the Dr Kourist grant, you will receive €2000 in support to help you complete your studies.

To be eligible for the award, you must be able to finance your studies independently (BAFÖG, part-time jobs) and show social commitment within or outside the family. In addition, you should be at least in the third semester, not in a third attempt in any module, and
if possible, have achieved 50% of the credit points of the standard period of study. This corresponds to
- 3 . semester 45 LP.
- 4 . semester 60 LP.
- 5 . Semester 75 LP.
- 6 . Semester 90 LP.
- 7 . Semester 105 LP.

Send your written application by 31 March 2025 to studienfoerderpreis(at)tuhh(dot)de

The application must include the following documents
- A letter of motivation (max. 2 pages)
- Your curriculum vitae
- A current transcript of records
- Other documents that support the letter of motivation or CV.


Fachschaftsrat Verfahrenstechnik
Technische Universität Hamburg, Schwarzenbergstraße 95, 21073 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 - 428 78 4010

Management of the School of Process Engineering: Sabine Zschunke
Technische Universität Hamburg, Eißendorfer Straße 38, 21073 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 - 428 78 2102