Support for Students & Scientists in emergency situations

On this website you will find a collection of information and assistance services for refugee students  and scientists affected by the war in Ukraine.  

The TUHH Executive Board has condemned the aggression against Ukraine and decided on immediate aid measures for students and prospective refugee students from Ukraine. See the press release from 07.04.22.

Hamburg University of Technology  is working intensively together with the City of Hamburg and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to support students and researchers form Ukraine and enable them the continuation of their education in the secure environment!

Please check information below for the TUHH support services as well as the external services for students affected by the war in Ukraine!

(This site is under construction and will be updated continuoulsy.)  

Important Announcements

Would you like to get information about the special German courses as well as your individual  study options at TUHH or HCU.

Please contact:
Dr. Prashant Batra
via Email: deutschkurs2023(at)tuhh(dot)de

In person office hours:
SBC 3/ Room 3058
Thursdays  1- 3 pm


# Central Support portal for refugees from Ukraine by the federal government's offers all important information regarding the situation as a refugee in German

The Flüchtlingsambulanz (refugee outpatient center)  at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf offers psychological support and care for Ukrainian refugees. Just contact them.


Callcenter/Emergency ROOm
+49 (0) 40 7410 - 0

CENTRA  offers psychological support and coordinates therapy places for refugees from Ukraine seeking protection.

Telephone consultation hours (in German and Russian) on Mondays (14.00 to 17.00) and Fridays (9.00 to 12.00)
Tel: 040/20 522-22.

Email: info(at)centra(dot)de

TUHH support services for students affected by the war in Ukraine

Information on counseling services, the application process for studying at the TUHH, preparatory courses, financing and much more.


External services for students and researchers affected by the war in Ukraine

Counseling and support services outside the TUHH: 

Counseling services, legal advice, psychological support, support and funding programs, German courses and more.