TUHH support services for students affected by the war in Ukraine

Counseling services

General consultation

Dr. Prashant Batra

Thursdays  1- 3 pm
SBC 3/ Room 3058
Tel: +49 (40) 42878- 34 78/ Email: batra(at)tuhh(dot)de

In the case of absence please contact the International Office or one of the consultation points below!


Student counseling service (ZSB)

The TUHH student counseling service provides general information on the study conditions at TUHH and supports prospective students in their choice of studies.
Once you are enrolled as a student at TUHH, the Student Counseling Center provides you with general student counseling and psychological counseling.
Email: studienberatung(at)tuhh(dot)de


Departement STUDIS

Support and information on admissions requirements for prospective students
Email: study(at)tuhh(dot)de


International Office

Support on integration at the TUHH and in Hamburg.
Counseling services on accommodation, scholarships, language courses.
Email: internationaloffice(at)tuhh(dot)de

Welcome@TUHH Program : Ask the Tutor!

Getting local at TUHH and in Hamburg : Peer to peer support by Welcome Tutors.
Email: Welcome(at)TUHH.de

The way to a course of study at TUHH

In the Video Presentation you will be informed about how to apply for course of study at TUHH and what are the necessary requirements and conditions.


Presentation (PDF)

Language Requirements (PDF)

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In order to be able to see this content, you must accept the integration of external content. Find out more in our privacy policy

Preparatory courses

TUHH German Language Preparatory courses

These special courses - for prospective students who are planning to study technical subjects at TUHH or HCU - will lead from the individual language level to the level up to C1 which is one of the prerequisites to admission to study at TUHH/HCU.
For a beginner without much/any German language skills, the expected learning time will be two years.

  • Course period 1: July - November 2023
  • Course period 2: January - Mai 2024

Download PDF INFO in German and English

Do you need  more information about the special German courses as well as your individual study options at TUHH or HCU?
Please contact:

Dr. Prashant Batra via Email: deutschkurs2023@tuhh.de

In person office hours:
SBC 3/ Room 3058
Thursdays  1- 3 pm


Preparatory online courses in mathematics 

Bridge2MINT has been recently launched at TUHH by the Institute of Mathematics.

For questions and further information regarding the usage of the courses please contact:

Institute of Mathematics
Dr. habil. Christian Seifert
E-Mail: christian.seifert@tuhh.de

Guest status free of university fee

Refugees who have a university entrance qualification will have the possibility of the free access to all TUHH courses as a guest students.
All courses at the TU Hamburg can thus be attended free of charge and in unlimited number.
The refugee students with TUHH guests status will get as well the free access to Integration and Orientation activities of the International Office!

For completion of TUHH Guest Status please contact:

Department STUDIS

Email: study(at)tuhh(dot)de


Information in Ukrainian (PDF)

Scholarships and emergency fundings

In questions concerning scholarships and fundings programs please turn to:

International Office
General Scholarship´s Counseling/TUHH Emergency fundings

Eva Turos: eva.turos@tuhh.de


Special emergency fundings for Ukrainian students are available at the Studierendenwerk Hamburg!

Please check the Web information Loans and Fundings of Studierendenwerk.


Intercultural support by International Office

The refugee students with TUHH guests status have  the free access to Integration and Orientation activities of the International Office!
Our activities like intercultural trainings, language workshops and networking events will support the refugee students to gain and to improve the competencies important for studies and future career.

You are welcome to take part in one of our (Online) Intercultural Trainings.

Do you have questions?  Please contact:

International Office

Malgorzata Safari, E-Mail: safari(at)tuhh(dot)de


Kathrin Heuking, E-Mail: kathrin.heuking(at)tuhh(dot)de

Further important information and services

Entry regulations, residential status, financing for refugees from Ukraine:
FAQ of the Federal Government/ Germany4Ukraine

The city of Hamburg has set up emergency facilities in order to provide quick help:
Hamburg refugee aid for information on entry regulations and shelter facilities

The DAAD provides assistance and scholarships opportunities for students and scientists: 
DAAD´s  offers of assistance for Ukrainian students

The German Red Cross provides a traicing service 
for people separated from their family members due to armed conflicts and natural disasters

Jobs in GermanyIntegration into the German job market

Peer to peer counselling and supportAssociation of international students in Germany