Reregistering, taking a sabbatical semester and change of course of studies

Reregistration involves paying the necessary contribution and fees. The periods specified for reregistration are:

  • summer semester: February 1 - March 15
  • winter semester: August 1 - September 15.

Reregistration for the summer semester 2025

Reregistration involves paying your semester contribution on time (!). It means that the contribution must be credited to the TUHH's bank account by the reregistration deadline at the latest.

NB: This deadline and also the sum of the semester contribution do not apply to students registering for the first time at the TUHH. These students please do not pay until they have received the enrolment confirmation with payment information online in their application status!

For information on the composition of the current semester fee of EUR 341,00 and the notification of contributions, please click here. Students who start their studies at the TUHH for the first time in the summer semester 2025 will find the confirmation of enrollment including the payment request in your application portal after enrollment. 

The best way to pay is to use an online banking facility. In any case the following information must be included:

Payee: TUHH
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank
IBAN: DE96 2000 0000 0020 1015 12
Reference: 20251xxxxx

The "20251" enables the allocation to the summer term 2025. Please replace "xxxxx" by your complete immatriculation no. Do not use spaces, hyphens or other characters. Do not shorten your matriculation number. Please be sure to stick to this format, otherwise the money cannot  be allocated.

The address of "Deutsche Bundesbank" is: Willy-Brandt-Straße 73, Postfach 57 03 48, 22772 Hamburg, Germany.

For payments from abroad: If you transfer the money from another country please make sure that the extra transfer fees are covered!

And please note: If you do not reregister you may be exmatriculated.

If you have not received any documents 14 days after the transfer in your self-service-portal TUNE, please check in the self-service-portal TUNE whether the re-registration is possibly blocked or whether the semester fee was actually transferred with the correct intended purpose.


Delayed Reregistration

In case you missed the reregistration deadline, an additional fee of 30 € has to be paid (according to the "Satzung über die Erhebung von Gebühren an der TUHH"). The 30 € have to be paid to:

Payee: TUHH
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank
IBAN: DE96 2000 0000 0020 1015 12
Reference: 20251xxxxx

The "20251" enables the allocation to the summer term 2025. Please replace "xxxxx" by your complete immatriculation no. (without blank or hyphen).

The address of "Deutsche Bundesbank" is: Willy-Brandt-Straße 73, Postfach 57 03 48, 22772 Hamburg, Germany.

You will receive your semester documents after the fee (and the semester contribution, too) was credited to this bank account.

Taking a sabbatical semester

Please refer to this website.

Change of course of studies

If you are planning to change your course of studies please get in contact with the admissions office as soon as possible. Some information can also be found in the FAQs or here (for Bachelor's programs).

In the Hamburg University of Technology´s Study Regulations the procedures of enrollment, re-registration, leave of absence and removal from the student register are fixed.