Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Statute on Studies at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)

This English version of the Statute on Studies at Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is not legally binding. Only the German version is legally binding.

Dated 27 February 2013 (Official Gazette No. 32 of 23 April 2013, p. 644)

As amended on 22 May and 5 June 2019 (Official Gazette No. 55 of 16 July 2019, p. 978)

The eighth amendment to the Statute on Studies at TUHH dated 27 February 2013 was agreed by the Academic Senate of TUHH on 22 May 2019 on the basis of section 36, paragraph 7 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) dated 18 July 2001 (HmbGVBl. p. 171), most recently modified on 29 May 2018 (HmbGVBl. p. 200), in conjunction with section 10, paragraph 1 of the Act on Admission for University Studies in Hamburg (HZG) dated 28 December 2004 (HmbGVBl. p. 515), most recently modified on 18 May 2018 (HmbGVBl. p. 188), as per section 85, paragraph 1.1 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG). Provisions as per section 10 of the Act on Admission for University Study in Hamburg (HZG) were additionally agreed by the Executive Board on 5 June 2019 and approved by the University Council on 4 July 2019.

Existing resolutions passed by the Academic Senate dated:

  • 18 December 2013 (Official Gazette No. 23 dated 21 March 2014, p. 449, No. 28 dated 8 April 2014, p. 586)
  • 22 October 2014 (Official Gazette No. 5 dated 16 January 2015, p. 121)
  • 27 May 2015 / 24 June 2015 (Official Gazette No. 60 dated 4 August 2015, p. 1313)
  • 28 October / 25 November 2015 (Official Gazette No. 5 dated 19 January 2016, p. 97)
  • 27 April 2016 (Official Gazette No. 59 dated 26 July 2016)
  • 22 February 2017 (Official Gazette No. 29 dated 11 April 2017)
  • 27. June/ 25. July 2018 (Official Gazette No. 92 dated 16 November 2018)
  • 22 May 2019 (Official Gazette No. 55 dated 16 July 2019)

Part I: Conditions of admission to study

Section 1 Conditions of admission to Bachelor’s courses

(1)    The prerequisites for admission to the first semester of study in a particular discipline are:

  1. A certificate of the German university entrance qualification or proof of eligibility to study as per section 37 or 38 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), or a certificate recognised as an equivalent,
  2. Language proficiency in the language or languages of instruction on the chosen Bachelor’s course as listed in Annex 1 of this statute.
  3. Generally, a basic internship. The Basic Internship Regulations set out further details for the respective course.

(2)    In addition to the requirements specified in paragraph 1, admission to a higher semester presupposes creditable coursework completed on a comparable course at another university. The Board of Examiners of the relevant School of Study will decide whether to credit the coursework.

(3)    For admission, the candidate must also submit a declaration that they have not conclusively failed an intermediate diploma examination, a diploma examination, a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science examination or an equivalent examination in the same or a related discipline at a university and is not involved in a pending examination procedure.

Section 2 Conditions of admission to Master’s courses

(1)    The prerequisites for admission to the first semester of study in a particular discipline are:

  1. The successful completion of studies in an undergraduate degree course.
  2. Specialist knowledge and skills, the scope and depth of which meet the requirements of the relevant Master’s course. Annex 2 of this statute contains an overview of the relevant requirements for the individual Master’s courses (technical competence).
  3. Language proficiency in the language or languages of instruction on the chosen Master’s course as listed in Annex 1 of this statute.

(2)    A selection committee will check the application content (paragraph 1.2). The selection committee is comprised of the programme co-ordinator and at least one other person, nominated by the relevant School of Study board, whose qualification must be at least equal to the one that is to be awarded. Before the start of the application procedure, the School of Study board shall also nominate a substitute for the programme co-ordinator and a substitute for the other member(s). A substitute member must hold at least the same qualification as the main member. For courses supervised by the National Institute of Technology (NIT), the selection committee is established by the Academic Senate board that is responsible for the course in question. If the selection committee does not reach a decision, the Chair of the Board of Examiners shall decide, or their deputy in the absence of the Chair. The selection committee shall include the documents as per section 17 when reviewing the application content. The applicant can also be given further opportunities to demonstrate competence before being accepted onto their chosen Master’s course.

(3)    Applicants for internationally oriented Master’s courses as per Annex 1, no. C3, with a degree in an undergraduate course that was not obtained in Germany or in a state listed under section 5, paragraph 2.1 will, depending on the applications received, be assessed on the basis of country-specific experience in respect of the correlation between proven qualifications and study results. They must be able to provide evidence of a grade in at least the top third of performance grades in the relevant higher education system. In ascertaining the top third, any recommendations of the German Central Office for Foreign Education (Zentralstelle für Ausländisches Bildungswesen) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) and the results of evaluations at TUHH must be taken into account.

(4)    For admission, the applicant must also declare that they have not already conclusively failed an examination in the same course or an equivalent examination to those prescribed as compulsory by the examination regulations of the course that they are applying for. They must further declare that they are not currently involved in an associated examination procedure.

(5)    Admission to a higher semester further presupposes creditable coursework completed on a comparable course at another university. The Board of Examiners of the relevant School of Study will decide whether to credit the coursework.

Section 2a Conditions of admission to professional Master’s courses

(1)    The prerequisites for admission to the first semester of study in a particular discipline are:

  1. Successful completion of studies on an undergraduate course or proof of eligibility to study as per section 39, paragraph 3 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG).
  2. Specialist knowledge and skills, the scope and depth of which meet the requirements of the relevant Master’s course. Annex 2 of this statute contains an overview of the relevant requirements for the individual Master’s courses (technical competence).
  3. Language proficiency in the language or languages of instruction on the chosen Master’s course as listed in Annex 1 of this statute.
  4. Qualified practical professional experience of, as a rule, no less than one year. The subject-specific requirements for the individual professional Master’s courses provide more details. These can be found in Annex 2 of this statute.

(2)    A selection committee will check the application content (paragraph 1.2). The selection committee is comprised of the programme co-ordinator and at least one other person, nominated by the relevant School of Study board, whose qualification must be at least equal to the one that is to be awarded. Before the start of the application procedure, the School of Study board shall also nominate a substitute for the programme co-ordinator and a substitute for the other member(s). A substitute member must hold at least the same qualification as the main member. For courses supervised by the National Institute of Technology (NIT), the selection committee is established by the Academic Senate board that is responsible for the course in question. If the selection committee does not reach a decision, the Chair of the Board of Examiners shall decide, or their deputy in the absence of the Chair. The selection committee shall include the documents as per section 17 when reviewing the application content. The applicant can also be given further opportunities to demonstrate competence before being accepted onto their chosen Master’s course.

(3)    For admission, the applicant must also declare that they have not already conclusively failed an examination in the same course or an equivalent examination to those prescribed as compulsory by the examination regulations of the course that they are applying for. They must further declare that they are not currently involved in an associated examination procedure.

(4)    Admission to a higher semester further presupposes creditable coursework completed on a comparable course at another university. The Board of Examiners of the relevant School of Study will decide whether to credit the coursework.

Section 2b Conditions of admission for certificate programmes

(1)    The prerequisites for admission to the first semester of certificate programmes are:

  1. A certificate of the German university entrance qualification or proof of eligibility to study as per section 37 or 38 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), or a certificate recognised as an equivalent,
  2. Language proficiency in the language or languages of instruction on the chosen certificate programme as listed in Annex 1 of this statute,

(2)    Admission to a further education certificate programme additionally requires:

  1. Specialist knowledge and skills, the scope and depth of which meet the requirements of the relevant certificate programme. Annex 2 of this statute contains an overview of the relevant requirements for the individual certificate programmes (technical competence).
  2. Qualified practical professional experience of, as a rule, no less than one year. The subject-specific requirements for the individual professional certificate programmes provide more details. These can be found in Annex 2 of this statute.

(3)    Admission to TUHH's orientation studies programme additionally requires:

  1. A place at university, which is allocated by means of a ballot from among the applications received on time.
  2. A declaration submitted by the candidate confirming that they have not conclusively failed a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science examination or an equivalent examination in the same or a related discipline at a university and is not involved in a pending examination procedure.

Section 3 Application deadlines and procedures for courses as per section 2 and section 2a

(1)    For the courses leading to a Master of Science listed in Annex 1, no. C3, places are only awarded for the winter semester. TUHH must have received applications for these courses by 1 March of the same year (cut-off point). For all other Master’s courses, TUHH must have received applications for the winter semester by 15 July of the same year, and for the summer semester by 15 January of the same year (cut-off point). Deadlines for courses different from the above due to local admission restrictions are governed by Part II of this statute.

(2)    TUHH will specify the content and form of applications for study places, and also the content and form of documents to be submitted. All certificates in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation (into German or English) completed by a sworn translator.

(3)    Anyone who misses the application deadline as per section 3, paragraph 1, or does not submit the application in the due form with the required documents as per section 3, paragraph 2, is excluded from the procedure for allocating study places.

Section 3a    Application deadlines for certificate programmes as per section 2b

(1)    TUHH must have received applications for the winter semester by 15 July of the same year, and for the summer semester by 15 January of the same year (cut-off point). For orientation study programmes, applications to study are only submitted in the winter semester.

(2)    TUHH will specify the content and form of applications for study places, and also the content and form of documents to be submitted. All certificates in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation (into German or English) completed by a sworn translator.

(3)    Anyone who misses the application deadline as per section 3a, paragraph 1, or does not submit the application in the due form with the required documents as per section 3, paragraph 2, is excluded from the procedure for allocating study places.

Part II: Allocating study places on degree courses with local admission restrictions

Section 4 Area of application

(1)    Part II of this statute sets out the procedure to be followed by TUHH when allocating study places on TUHH degree courses with local admission restrictions that are not covered by the central awarding procedure of the Foundation for University Admissions.

(2)    Students who are exmatriculated in order to

a.    continue their studies temporarily at a foreign university,
b.    care for or look after a child under the age of 18 or another relative in need of care for a period of up to three years,
c.    perform a service as per article 12a of the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz), to assume such service obligations and to perform corresponding services temporarily for a fixed term of up to three years,
d.    perform at least two years’ service as a development aid worker or
e.    complete a voluntary year of social or ecological work, can – without a renewed admission procedure – be enrolled for the course they were enrolled on until their time of exmatriculation. Section 26 applies accordingly.

(3)    Sections 5 to 13 apply exclusively to the procedure for awarding places on Bachelor’s courses at TUHH. They do not apply to the procedure for awarding places on Master’s courses.

Section 5 Foreign university entrants (foreign nationals quota)

(1)    In the procedure for awarding places to new entrants, ten percent of the places available on each course are reserved for foreign nationals and stateless persons unless they have equivalent status to Germans. With approval from the relevant authority, this proportion may be increased if there are special reasons for doing so.

(2)    Anyone with equivalent status to Germans will participate in the General Selection procedure as per section 9. The following have equivalent status to Germans:

  1. Nationals of another European Union member state and of Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway,
  2. Children living in the Federal Republic of Germany of nationals of a European Union member state or of Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway, insofar as these nationals are or have been employed in the Federal Republic of Germany,
  3. Other family members (as defined by Article 2 No. 2 of Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and Council dated 29 April 2004 [Official Journal EC No. L 229 p. 35]) living in Germany of nationals of an EU member state or of Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway, insofar as these nationals are employed in the Federal Republic of Germany, and
  4. Other foreign nationals or stateless persons with a German higher education entrance qualification.

(3)    Within the reserved quota as per paragraph 1, depending on the applicant situation, country quotas will be formed on the basis of experience of specific countries in respect of the correlation between proven qualification and successful studies or with the objective of composing a balanced group. Admission as part of the country quota can only be granted if the final certificate shows a grade in the upper third of performance grades for the relevant education system. Foreign grades will be converted into German grades following the KMK guidelines. Rankings for admission will be drawn up. In case of equal ranking, lots will be drawn. Applicants whose certificate qualifying them for entrance to higher education shows no grade, or for whom no average grade can be determined, will be admitted to the procedure for awarding places with an assumed grade of 4.0.

Section 6 Selection on the basis of hardship factors (hardship quota)

(1)    Five percent of university entrance places will, on request, be awarded to persons for whom non-admission to the course named in the application would signify exceptional hardship.

(2)    Exceptional hardship is suffered by persons who, due to special personal circumstances – such as health, family, economic or social reasons – need to have Hamburg as their place of study. TUHH will arrange further details in accordance with the Hardship Guidelines that form Annex 3 to this statute.

(3)    The rank order will be determined by the degree of exceptional hardship. In making a decision, only circumstances of which evidence has been submitted within the time period set out in section 17, paragraph 1, will be taken into account.

(4)    The Academic and Student Services will decide whether a case of hardship exists. It will notify applicants of the decision. Those admitted must be made aware of the legal consequences set out in section 21, paragraph 2.

Section 7 Top athletes quota

(1)    Two percent of university entrance places will, on request, be awarded to persons in a nationally formed A, B, C, or D/C squad of a top-ranking specialist association of the German Olympics Federation for a type of sport managed by the Hamburg/Schleswig Holstein Olympic Training Centre (OSP) (top athletes), and who are therefore tied to Hamburg as their place of study (Top athlete quota). A certificate from the OSP must be submitted as evidence that an applicant is a top athlete and squad member in a type of sport prioritised by said OSP.

(2)    Places will initially be awarded to top athletes who belong to the cadre of a type of sport prioritised by said OSP. Any remaining free places will then be awarded to other top athletes. If the number of top athletes to be considered exceeds the number of study places to be awarded, the selection will be made on the basis of the result of the General Selection procedure as per section 9.

Section 7a Quota for applicants without an educational qualification for entrance to higher education

Three percent of university entrance places will, on request, be awarded to persons without an educational qualification for entrance to higher education within the framework of the selection procedure as per section 9, exclusively applying paragraph 2.1.

§7b Awarding untaken places in reserved quotas as per sections 5, 6, 7 and 7a

Places remaining untaken in reserved quotas will be awarded as follows:

  1. Places that remain untaken in the foreign nationals quota (section 5) or in the quota as per section 7a will be awarded as per section 8,
  2. Places that remain untaken in the hardship quota (section 6) or in the top athletes quota (section 7) will be awarded to the other quota insofar as there are further persons in that category to be considered. Otherwise, they will be awarded to the quota as per section 7a insofar as there are further persons in that category to be considered, otherwise in accordance with section 8.

Section 8 Main quotas

(1)    The university entrance places remaining after deduction of quotas for foreign students, hardship cases, top athletes and applicants without a school qualification for university entrance (reserved quotas) will be awarded as follows:

  1. Ninety percent based on the result of a General Selection procedure as per section 9.
  2. Ten percent based on the number of half-years that have passed since gaining the higher education entrance qualification (waiting time) as per section 10.

(2)    When calculating quotas as per sections 5 to 8, figures will be rounded.

Section 9 General Selection procedure

(1)    Decisions on awarding the remaining study places will be made on the basis of the university’s own selection procedure according to the degree of suitability and motivation of the applicant for the chosen curriculum and the profession they wish to pursue.
(2)    The degree of suitability and motivation as per paragraph 1 will be determined on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. Average grade of qualification for entrance to higher education and
  2.  Individual grades in mathematics in the last four half-years at school before gaining the higher education entrance qualification.

(3)    Foreign grades will be converted into German grades following the KMK guidelines. Applicants whose certificate qualifying them for entrance to higher education shows no grade, or for whom no average grade can be determined, will be admitted to the procedure for awarding places with an assumed grade of 4.0. In the case of applicants who do not provide evidence of the grades specified in point 2 above, only the average grade on their certificate of qualification for entrance to higher education will be taken into account.

(4)    To prepare for decisions on admission, a number of points will be allocated to the average grade mentioned in paragraph 2.1, as per the following table:

Grade Points Grades Point Grades Point
1,0 70 2,0 50 3,0 25
1,1 68 2,1 48 3,1 22
1,2 66 2,2 46 3,2 19
1,3 64 2,3 44 3,3 16
1,4 62 2,4 42 3,4 13
1,5 60 2,5 40 3,5 10
1,6 58 2,6 37 3,6 8
1,7 56 2,7 34 3,7 6
1,8 54 2,8 31 3,8 4
1,9 52 2,9 28 3,9 2
        4,0 0

If on a certificate the overall result is stated in words, for the purpose of the selection process, the applicant in question will be awarded a grade and the corresponding number of points as per the above table as follows: “Very good” corresponds to 1.2, “Good” corresponds to 2.0, “Satisfactory” corresponds to 3.0, and “Adequate” corresponds to 3.7.

(5)    A bonus of five points is awarded for the criterion according to paragraph 2.2, provided that the arithmetic mean of the grades for the four half-years prior to gaining the higher education entrance qualification is at least 10. Foreign grades will be converted into German grades following the KMK guidelines and transferred to the German points system.

(6)    For admission, the total number of points will be calculated by adding up points awarded as per paragraphs 3 and 4. Admission will be granted in rank order of the next highest number of points. If only one place remains to be awarded and two applicants have the same total number of points, the higher number of points for the average grade of the higher education entrance qualification will determine the rank order. In case of continued equal ranking, lots will be drawn.

Section 10 Selection following a waiting time

(1)    The rank order of applicants will be determined by the number of half-years since gaining the higher education entrance qualification (waiting time). Only full half-years from the time of gaining the higher education entrance qualification until the start of the semester for which admission is requested will count. Half-years are the period from 1 April to 30 September of a year and the period from 1 October of a year to 31 March of the following year.

(2)    No waiting time will be taken into account for persons who are unable to provide evidence of the date when the higher education entrance qualification was gained.

(3)    Half-years when the applicant was enrolled at a university within the jurisdiction of the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz) will be deducted from the total number of half-years.

(4)    A maximum of seven half-years will be taken into account.

(5)    If during selection by waiting time, two applicants rank equally, the criteria in section 9 will be taken into account. In case of continued equal ranking, lots will be drawn.

Section 11 Selection procedure for applicants for a second course of study

(1)    Anyone who has already successfully completed a course of study at a German university, or will have done so by the time they commence their studies at TUHH (first degree), will be selected within the framework of the quota set out in section 8.1.

(2)    The selection procedure will be as specified in section 9, subject to the provision that the average grade of the higher education entrance qualification will be replaced by a procedural grade, fifty percent based on the result of the final examination in the first course of study or the average grade for the first course of study as evidenced at the time of application, and fifty percent on the average grade of the higher education entrance qualification.

Section 12 Omitted

Section 13 Selection procedure for applicants as per section 38 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG)

For persons who wish to embark on a course of study on the basis of a course-related entitlement as per section 38 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), selection will be governed by section 5, paragraph 2.6 of the Act on Admission for University Study in Hamburg (HZG). Admissions will count against the places set out in section 8 of this statute. A pass in an entrance examination as specified in section 38 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) will be deemed to fulfil the requirements for admission. No rank order will be specified.

Section 14 Selection for Master’s courses with local admission restrictions – selection on the basis of hardship factors (hardship quota)

(1)    Ten percent of study places will, on request, be awarded to persons for whom rejection of their application would signify exceptional hardship, particularly if they need to have Hamburg as their place of study for particular health, family, economic or social reasons. TUHH will arrange further details in accordance with the Hardship Guidelines that form Annex 3 to this statute.

(2)    At least one person must be admitted to study under the hardship quota provided that there is at least one person in that category to be considered. This does not apply if, as a result, the overall number of study places to be awarded would exceed the overall number of study places to be awarded under the quotas in sections 14a and 14b. Section 6, paragraphs 3 and 4 apply accordingly. Ninety percent of the study places remaining after deducting the hardship quota will be awarded in accordance with section 14a and ten percent in accordance with section 14b.

Section 14a    Selection for Master’s courses with local restrictions – General Selection procedure (performance-based quota)

(1)    The award of places on Master’s courses with local restrictions on admission within the performance-based quota will be determined by:

  1. The average grade of the first university degree relevant to the Master’s course and
  2. The degree of professional suitability according to Annex 2 of the relevant Master’s course.

If applicants are not yet able to provide proof of a first relevant university degree at the time of the selection procedure, the average grade of the first university degree will be substituted by the current average grade for course achievements completed to date. Section 2 paragraph 1 remains unaffected. Foreign grades will be converted into German grades following the KMK guidelines. Applicants whose higher education entrance qualification or first degree certificate does not show a grade or for whom no average grade can be ascertained will be allocated the grade 4.0.

(2)    To prepare for decisions on admission, a point score will be allocated to the average grade mentioned in paragraph 1.1, as per section 9, paragraph 3. Based on the criterion in paragraph 1.2, an additional 15 points will be awarded to applicants who are particularly professionally suitable, as per Annex 2 of this statute.

Selection for Master’s courses with local admission restrictions – selection on the basis of waiting time (waiting time quota)

When awarding places on Master’s courses with local restrictions on admission, the rank order of applicants in the waiting time quota will be determined by the number of half-years that have passed since gaining their qualification for admission to a Master’s degree. Section 10, paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3, and paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 apply accordingly. If during selection by waiting time, two applicants rank equally, the criteria in section 14a will be taken into account. In case of continued equal ranking, lots will be drawn.

Section 15 Pre-selection

(1)    Applicants who fall into one of the categories in section 4, paragraph 2 letters c) to e) will be pre-selected for their chosen course as stipulated in paragraphs 2 to 4.

(2)    Pre-selection will be on condition that

  1. At the start of or during the service, no admission numbers were specified at the university or
  2. Admission to this course at TUHH had been granted at the start of or during the service.

(3)    Admission must be applied for as part of the admission procedure that is carried out immediately after completing the service. If the service has not yet ended, a certificate must be produced as evidence that it will have been completed by the start of the lecture period in the semester applied for.

(4)    Persons who fulfil the prerequisites for preferential selection will be pre-selected and their places will count against the total number of study places available as per section 8 or section 14. If it proves necessary to specify a rank order of preferentially selected persons, this will be decided by drawing lots allocated to the applicants at the start of the admission procedure.

(5)    Persons who, on the basis of a court order relating to their application for admission for a preceding admission procedure, are to be allocated a study place for another admission procedure must be treated as persons who are preferentially pre-selected.

(6)    Also enrolled without renewed admission will be persons who, on account of serious illness or for a comparable reason for which they are not responsible, despite being admitted did not enrol or who were exmatriculated for such reason during the course of their first semester of studies. They must apply for enrolment as part of the next admission procedure that follows the point at which the reason ceases to exist.

Section 16 Award of study places to applicants for higher semesters

(1)    Applicants for higher study semesters will participate in the selection procedure as per section 5, 9 or 14.

(2)    If admission has been granted as per paragraph 1, the Board of Examiners for the relevant School of Study will decide on placement in a higher semester of studies.

Section 17 Application for admission / application documents

(1)    An application for admission for the winter semester must be received by TUHH by 15 July of the same year (cut-off date). This applies even if the person in question has already applied in an earlier admission procedure. Applications for admission are here only possible for a start in the winter semester.

(2)    Pursuant to this statute, applications in accordance with sections 6 and 7 that may be made to supplement the application for admission must be made together with the application for admission.

(3)    Up to two courses may be nominated in the application for admission to Bachelor’s courses. Only one course may be nominated in the application for admission to Master’s courses. If a person submits several applications for admission, only the first application for admission received by the due date will be considered.

(4)    TUHH will specify the content and form of the application for admission in accordance with paragraph 2. It will also specify the content and form of documents to be submitted together with the applications. Applications will be submitted online. All certificates in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation (into German or English) completed by a sworn translator.

(5)    The minimum application requirements are

  1. A properly conducted and completed online application process or completed admission application, each with the required documents.
  2. For persons pursuant to section 11, an application letter of no more than two sides of machine-written script in German or English that must contain a clear reference to the first degree course and a meaningful reason for commencing a second degree course.
  3. For persons with a foreign higher education entrance qualification, proof of German language proficiency to at least level B 2.2 as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for the courses of study listed in Annex 1, no. C1, C2 and C4, unless anything to the contrary is listed there. The conditions of admission set out in section 1 of this statute as well as the framework regulations relating to the German language examination for studies at German universities (RO-DT) remain unaffected. The proof of language proficiency should generally not be more than two years old.

(6)    If an applicant submits a doctor’s certificate as evidence that they are unable to submit applications and documents entirely or partially in the prescribed form due to permanent physical impairment or chronic illness, TUHH may permit them to submit the application and/or documents in a different form.

Section 18    Admission procedure

(1)    During the admission procedure, the specified admission numbers may be exceeded temporarily in the interests of a speedier award of study places, taking into account knowledge of admission behaviour acquired in earlier admission procedures.

(2)    Places that are not taken up or that remain free for other reasons will be awarded to the next-ranking applicants in the respective group up to the start of the lecture period.

(3)    If, after completion of the admission procedure, free places are still available up to the start of the lecture period, they may be awarded to applicants who register their interest before a deadline to be specified by the Executive Board. Admission will be granted in the order of the date stamp of receipt of admission applications. If applications rank equally, lots will be drawn.

Section 19    Conditional admission

Admission is on the condition that:

1.    Pre-enrolment checks verify its legitimacy and
2.    There are no impediments to enrolment.

It is not necessary for the letter of admission to include information about the conditions.

Section 20 Exclusion from the admission procedure

Anyone who misses the application deadline (section 17, paragraph 1 or section 18, paragraph 4) or does not submit the application in the due form with the required documents (section 17, paragraphs 4 and 5) is excluded from the admission procedure for allocating study places. Persons who do not fulfil the admission conditions for their chosen course of study as specified in Part I, section 1, paragraph 1.1 and section 2, paragraph 1.1 and 1.2, and paragraph 3 will also be excluded. Excepted from this stipulation is proof as per section 14, paragraph 1.2.

Section 21 Withdrawal and invalidity of admission

(1)    If admission was based on a breach of obligations to provide information or on other wrong information, TUHH will withdraw the admission and re-award the study place in line with the ranking.
(2)    The admission will become invalid if the person admitted fails to accept admission in writing by the date specified by TUHH in the letter of admission or if they do not take up the place awarded promptly.

Part III: Enrolment regulations

Section 22 Enrolment

(1)    Applicants will, on request, by enrolling as students become members of TUHH at the earliest from the day the semester begins with the resulting rights and obligations, as described in detail in the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), the Charter of TUHH (Grundordnung der TUHH) and the Student Statute. They will be enrolled for a course of study as per sections 52 and 54 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG). Enrolment will only take effect when all contributions and fees due have been paid. Membership ends on exmatriculation.

(2)    In justified exceptional cases, applicants may, on request, be enrolled for a further course (double degree) even if the other course is being taken at another university. Proper execution of both courses must be guaranteed. Enrolment will be subject to a provision that it may be withdrawn in the event that the course is not, or is no longer, being executed properly alongside the other degree course. As a rule, notice of withdrawal will be given to take effect at a future date. Students must prove each semester in the context of re-enrolment that they are pursuing the curriculum properly in both degree courses. Enrolment for a course with local restrictions on admission is ruled out as a matter of principle.

(3)    Study on courses with local admission restrictions and courses leading to a Master of Science degree listed in Annex 1, no. C3 may only be commenced in the winter semester. Study on courses otherwise mentioned in Annex 1 no. C2 that are not subject to local admission restrictions may be commenced in the summer semester. However, this may result in students taking longer to complete their studies. Master’s courses are designed for studies to commence in the winter semester. It is therefore recommended that studies be commenced in the winter semester.

(4)    As proof of enrolment, students will be issued with a student ID pass that is valid for one semester.

(5)    This is without prejudice to legal provisions that restrict admission to individual courses and/or provide for special admission conditions for individual courses.

(6)    Applicants may be refused admission to courses that are being discontinued if it is not possible to complete the course within the standard period of study as per the curriculum.

Section 23  Enrolment in the context of a doctoral degree procedure for the purposes of scientific specialisation

(1)    Applicants admitted for a doctoral degree by the TUHH Doctoral Degree Committee will be enrolled as TUHH doctoral degree candidates. They will be exmatriculated if the oral examination has been passed or conclusively failed, or the dissertation has been rejected.

(2)    On request, doctoral degree candidates can be enrolled as students. This enrolment is limited to a maximum of four years. It is linked to an income limit geared to the basic scholarship amount as per the guidelines issued by the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the use of funds. No right to be examined for courses at TUHH as per sections 52 and 54 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) will be earned.

(3)    A course as defined by section 22 also includes studies for the purpose of scientific specialisation and to prepare for a doctorate. As a rule, applicants must have a university degree that qualifies them for a doctoral degree and will, on request, be enrolled as a student for a maximum of two semesters. A link to the previous degree must be proven.  Enrolment is linked to an income limit geared to the basic scholarship amount as per the guidelines issued by the German Research Foundation (DFG) on the use of funds. At the time of enrolment, applicants must also submit a confirmation of supervision by a TUHH university lecturer. No right to be examined for courses at TUHH as per sections 52 and 54 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) will be earned.

Section 24 Qualification for university studies

In addition to the admission conditions set out in Part I of this statute, enrolment presupposes that there are no reasons for refusal in accordance with section 41 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG).

Section 25  Deadlines and format of applications for enrolment

(1)    Enrolment applications must be addressed to the Academic and Student Services within a time period specified by the TUHH President and published in notices posted in TUHH.

(2)    Late applications may be considered within a time period to be specified by the President in the order in which they were received, insofar as study places are still available. This deadline must be specified and published taking into account the start of the lecture period.

(3)    Enrolment may be undertaken in writing, in person or by an authorised representative. An exception to the above rule applies to courses leading to a Master of Science degree listed in Annex 1, no. C3. For these courses, enrolment may only be undertaken in person or by an authorised representative. Enrolment must be applied for on the form provided by TUHH. Applicants undertake to give TUHH all the required information and to enclose the necessary documents in the required format. An academic contract can also constitute a prerequisite for enrolment.

(4)    Pursuant to section 37, paragraph 1, nos. 3 to 7 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), applicants must provide a certificate as proof that they have attended a consultation. The consultation will be with the subject-specific study advisor for the desired course.

(5)    Anyone who misses the deadline as per paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, or does not submit the application in the due form with the required documents as per paragraphs 3 and 4, is excluded from the enrolment procedure.

(6)    Applicants may be enrolled provisionally if they fulfil the prerequisites for registration but cannot prove them in time for reasons for which they are not responsible. In courses with restrictions on admission, this will only apply if at least provisional admission was granted. Provisional enrolment must be withdrawn if the missing evidence is not provided immediately after the reason for the impediment ceases to exist.

(7)    If an applicant submits a doctor’s certificate as evidence that they are unable to submit applications and documents entirely or partially in the prescribed form due to permanent physical impairment or chronic illness, TUHH may permit them to submit the application and/or documents in a different form.

Section 26 Re-enrolment

(1)    If membership of TUHH is lacking (section 22, paragraph 1) and enrolment is applied for in a course previously taken at TUHH but not yet completed, this is known as re-enrolment. Otherwise, it is known as an enrolment, possibly in conjunction with a change of course. Section 28 applies accordingly.

(2)    Re-enrolment after a recognised interruption of studies as per section 4, paragraph 2 must be applied for within the time period for enrolment as per section 25, paragraph 1.

(3)    As a matter of principle, re-enrolment after official exmatriculation is only possible for the subsequent semester. Re-enrolment after exmatriculation at the request of the student is only permitted if at least one semester has passed between the date of exmatriculation and the date of re-enrolment.

(4)    In principle, the legal provisions in force shall apply in the event of re-enrolment. Section 24 applies accordingly.

Section 27 Re-registration

(1)    Students are obliged to re-register to continue their studies each semester. TUHH will specify the form and content of the re-registration.

(2)    The time period for re-registration will be specified by the President and published in notices posted in TUHH.

(3)    Students who, through no fault of their own, were prevented from meeting the deadline for re-registration will be returned to their previous status. The application must be submitted within ten days of the date when the impediment ceases to exist.

Section 28 Change of course

(1)    Students must apply to change their course within the time period for re-registration on the form provided for this purpose.

(2)    If the maximum number of applicants to be accepted for the newly chosen course has been set, a change is only permissible if students have a letter of admission for the chosen course or admission could have been obtained via the preceding admission procedure, and if there is corresponding capacity in terms of study places.

(3)    In the event of a change of course, course guidance must be sought. A change of course after the start of the third semester or repeated changes require approval. Approval will only be given if students demonstrate significant grounds to justify the change of course, if the Student Counselling Service confirms course guidance has been sought, and, if applicable, students have a letter of admission for their chosen new course.

(4)    Enrolment always takes place in the first semester of the newly selected course. The regulations set out in the General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) for Bachelor’s and Master’s courses apply in the current version when crediting course achievements.

Section 29 Leave of absence

(1)    If, according to section 22, students are prevented from attending classes in one semester, they can be granted a leave of absence on request. The application must be made within the time period for re-registration on the form provided by TUHH, and reasons must be given. In the events of paragraph 2, nos. 1 and 2, exceptions are admissible. During a leave of absence, the rights and obligations of the student will be unaffected, except for the obligation to study duly at TUHH.

(2)    In particular, grounds for leave of absence are:

  1. The student’s own illness,
  2.  Disability,
  3.  Internship, insofar as no semester is earmarked for it in the relevant Course and Examination Regulations,
  4.  Study abroad,
  5.  Pregnancy, maternal and parental leave,
  6. Caring for and looking after family members,
  7. Involvement in self-governing bodies,
  8. Participation in training and competitions for top athletes as per section 7,
  9.  Carrying out a specific start-up project supported by TUHH.

(3)    Students may take up to two semesters’ leave of absence for the entire duration of their studies at TUHH, with Bachelor’s and Master’s students each being entitled to one semester’s leave of absence. In hardship cases, this number may be exceeded on submission of an application, accompanied by appropriate evidence. A leave of absence will be granted for a period of one semester. A new application must be submitted each semester.

(4)    A leave of absence for preceding semesters is not permitted. A leave of absence for the first semester after enrolment is not permitted.

(5)    For periods according to paragraph 2.5, up to six semesters’ leave of absence may be granted. These will not count against the number of semesters of leave of absence as per paragraph 3. Appropriate evidence must be provided. For periods according to paragraph 2.9, with the consent of the supervising university teacher, up to two semesters’ leave of absence may be granted.

(6)    Leave-of-absence semesters do not count as course semesters. On application, certificates may be obtained during the leave of absence.

Section 30 Exchange students

Foreign students wishing to study at TUHH as part of an exchange programme with a partner university, in the European Union or with a scholarship from a public scholarship provider, and who do not intend to take a final examination, can be enrolled outside the procedure for awarding places. TUHH will rule on exceptions. Ordinarily, such registration may be for a maximum of two semesters. An extension is possible in justified exceptional cases. Exchange students will still be enrolled at their home university during this period. Enrolment may only take place after a learning agreement has been concluded between TUHH and the student’s home university.

Section 31 Guest students

(1)    Admission as a guest student is available to persons who want to further their education by attending individual courses – up to a maximum of five modules – but without seeking a degree. This must not interfere with the studies of regular students.

(2)    The application for admission must be submitted to Student Services no later than four weeks after the start of lectures for the relevant semester. Admission is for one semester for the approved classes.

(3)    Student Services will decide whether admission can be granted in consultation with the university teacher for the relevant class.

(4)    On admission, guest students will be issued with an ID card that must be produced on demand when visiting TUHH.

(5)    Guest students are not entitled to take examinations. They do not have student status.

Section 32 Early entrance students

(1)    Particularly gifted students in years 11 to 13 at grammar schools, comprehensive schools and community colleges may be admitted as early entrance students. The time schedule for applications will be specified by the Executive Board. The office authorised by the Executive Board will be responsible for selection. This is without prejudice to any further agreements.

(2)    Early entrance students will retain their status as school students. They will not have student status and will therefore not be entitled to the privileges and other rights enjoyed by regular students.

(3)    Early entrance students will be supported and supervised by subject mentors at TUHH.

(4)    On application, course achievements earned can be credited to subsequent higher education studies at TUHH.

(5)    As a rule, early entrance studies begin in the winter semester and last up to two semesters. An extension is possible.

Section 33  Extramural preparatory semester for foreign students (SPRINT)

(1)    On application, foreign applicants for university places can be enrolled as students in the summer semester for an extramural preparatory semester to prepare them for their studies. Enrolment for the preparatory semester is on condition that there are no reasons for rejection pursuant to section 41 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG). In the event of irregular attendance at classes, or if the student drops out, registration will be withdrawn.

(2)    Applicants must have a university entrance qualification for the course they wish to pursue following the preparatory semester. Section 1, paragraph 1.1 and section 2, paragraph 1.1 and 1.2, and paragraph 3 apply accordingly. They must also provide evidence of German language proficiency to at least level B 2.2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The proof of language proficiency should generally not be more than two years old.

(3)    Applications for the preparatory semester must be received by 15 January of the same year. TUHH will specify the form and content of the application and the accompanying documents. Section 25 applies accordingly.

(4)    Enrolment will not give rise to any entitlement to a place on a course as per sections 52 and 54 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG). There is no entitlement to take examinations in TUHH courses. This is without prejudice to any further agreements.

Section 34 Preparatory semester (SVS_P) for Master’s courses for the purpose of an extramural internship (PraxisPlus)

(1)    Applicants for Master’s courses at TUHH can be registered as students for a preparatory semester, on application. Section 2, paragraph 1.1 and 1.2, paragraph 3, and section 17, paragraph 5 of this statute apply accordingly. The application cut-off date is 15 January of the same year.

(2)    Admission to the preparatory semester will not prejudice admission to a Master’s course with local restrictions on admission following the preparatory semester.

(3)    The preparatory semester will not count towards the period of study. Examinations carrying credit points may not be taken.

Section 34a  Preparatory semester (SVS_K) for Master’s courses for the purpose of acquiring lacking subject-specific knowledge and skills

(1)    Applicants for Master’s courses at TUHH who have applied on time and in the due form by 15 January for the following summer semester or by 15 July for the following winter semester can, on application, be enrolled as students for a preparatory semester to acquire lacking subject-specific knowledge and skills. Section 2, paragraph 1.1 and 1.3, and section 17, paragraph 5 apply accordingly. The prerequisite for enrolment is a recommendation by the relevant Examination Board Chair as per section 2, paragraph (2). The enrolment cut-off date for achieving this status ends on 15 March for the summer semester and 15 September for the winter semester.

(2)    Admission to the preparatory semester will not prejudice admission to a Master’s course with local restrictions on admission following the preparatory semester.

(3)    The preparatory semester will not count towards the period of study. Students will have the right to take examinations once only, and solely those specified by the relevant Examination Board as per section 2, paragraph (2). Re-sit examinations are inadmissible.

Section 35 Exmatriculation

(1)    As a matter of principle, exmatriculation must be effected when a certificate for passing the final examination is awarded.

(2)    Students must be exmatriculated if they

  1.  Apply to be so,
  2. Have induced enrolment by coercion, fraudulent misrepresentation or bribery,
  3.  Are unable to continue their studies as per section 44 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) and cannot or will not change their course as per section 43, paragraph 2 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG), or if they have lost their right to be examined as per section 60, paragraph 6 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG),
  4.  Were enrolled on the basis of an illegal notice of admission and the notice of admission is withdrawn,
  5.  Were enrolled on the basis of a notice of admission with a time limit or condition, and the admission has therefore expired,
  6. Have failed to provide sufficient evidence of health insurance by the end of the re-registration period,
  7. Have failed to fulfil the obligation to attend a subject-specific course guidance session as specified in section 51, paragraph 2.2 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG),
  8. Have not pursued their studies for a longer period of time; this requirement is usually fulfilled if twice the standard period of study plus two semesters has been exceeded or no record of achievement has been produced in four consecutive semesters, whereby periods of leave of absence are not included. In cases of particular personal hardship, exmatriculation shall be waived. Significant difficulties in studying due to a disability, caring for and raising a child under the age of fourteen, caring for a close relative or comparable serious circumstances will be taken into account.

(3)    Students may be exmatriculated if

  1. After enrolment, facts become known or occur that can lead to refusal of enrolment,
  2. They have failed to re-register on time at the start of the semester,
  3. They have caused significant detriment to TUHH as a result of grave culpable misconduct. The decision will be taken by a committee instituted by the Academic Senate with equal numbers of members from the Academic Senate and the Executive Board. Further details will be set out by TUHH by statute,
  4. They have failed to pay the fees or contributions payable despite a reminder setting a time limit and threatening to take this action,
  5. They have repeatedly, or in an especially serious case in a written examination or a scientific activity, been guilty of scientific misconduct.

Section 36 Effective date

Parts I and III of this statute will come into effect the day after publication in the Official Gazette, Part II on the approval by the Executive Board and the University Council of TUHH. This statute applies to all students at TUHH. The Statute on Studies at TUHH dated 27 February 2008 (Official Gazette 37, p. 1003) will simultaneously cease to be in effect.

Amendments will come into effect the day after publication in the Official Gazette.

Hamburg, 22 May 2019 and 5 June 2019
Hamburg University of Technology

Annexes to the statute

Annex 1

Minimum language requirements for courses at TUHH

Annex 2

Subject-specific requirements for a Master’s course in:

Civil Engineering (M.Sc.)

Professional Education (M.Ed.)

Professional Education (M.A.)

Bioprocess Engineering (M.Sc.)

Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering (M.Sc.)

Computer Science (M.Sc.)

Electrical Engineering (M.Sc.)

Energy and Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)

Energy Technology (M.Sc.)

Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)

Aircraft Systems Engineering (M.Sc.)

Computer Science and Engineering (M.Sc.)

Information and Communication Systems (M.Sc.)

International Industrial Engineering (M.Sc.)

Joint Master in Global Technology and Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.)

Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility (M.Sc.)

Materials Science (M.Sc.)

Mechanical Engineering and Management (M.Sc.)

Mechatronics (M.Sc.)

Medical Engineering (M.Sc.)

Microelectronics and Microsystems (M.Sc.)

Product Development, Materials and Production (M.Sc.)

Renewable Energy (M.Sc.)

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering (M.Sc.)

Technology Management (M.A.) – National Institute of Technology (NIT)

Technology Management (MBA) – National Institute of Technology (NIT)

Theoretical Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.)

Process Engineering (M.Sc.)

Water and Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)

Annex 3

Guidelines for hardship case applications and notes on documentary evidence required as part of the TUHH admission procedure

Richtlinien für Härtefallanträge und Hinweise auf erforderliche Belege im Rahmen des Zulassungsverfahrens an der TUHH (PDF)