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Department 2: Communication

From Department 2, Press and media representatives receive soundly based information about Hamburg University of Technology: the TU Hamburg. Within the university we generate acceptance of the tasks and concerns of the media and their societal mission. We are, at the same time, the editorial office and newsroom for the TU Hamburg’s official media channels with university news and stories. We coordinate event management, hold central and Press events and provide in-house and external advice on their conceptual design, planning, implementation and follow-up. In the young talent sector we offer young people and school classes insights into the fascinating world of technology, generate interest in STEM subjects and undertake student marketing measures.



Head of Department

Rüdiger Bendlin
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A)
21073 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 428 78 33 30
E-Mail: pressestelle[at]