Department 5: International Affairs

The Department of International Affairs is responsible for the strategic development and implementation of the internationalisation of our university and offers all members of the university a range of services and advice on the implementation of internationalisation measures.

Our responsibilities include

  • the development of strategic university collaborations,
  • the mobility of students, faculty and staff, and
  • assistance with the start of studies and integration on campus.

We advise international students, guest researchers and those interested in a stay abroad and work closely with the faculties and administration to jointly shape internationalisation at Hamburg University of Technology.


The International Affairs department is organised in three units:


Please direct general inquiries and questions regarding admission and organization of your studies at the TUHH, your stay abroad and partnerships directly to the respective contact persons of the responsible departments:


Head of department

Dr. Wang Yi

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
21073 Hamburg
Gebäude E, Raum 0.042
Telefon: +49 40 42878 3737

Team International Affairs