Team Program Management

The main tasks of the Program Management Team include:

  • Scheduling all courses at TU Hamburg
  • Planning written exams in coordination with instructors, examiners, and student representatives
  • Ensuring a semester schedule with minimal overlap among the interconnected classes at TU Hamburg
  • Designing and improving the representation of study plans through the CurriculumsDesigner integrated in TUNE, in close coordination with the Data Center and the Schools
  • Ensuring feasible teaching offerings
  • Advising and networking with instructors regarding the feasibility of study programs, compliance with structural requirements, and practical implementation at TU Hamburg


Team Leader, Studiengangs- & CurriculumDesigner

Sibylle Kronenwerth
311 Studiengangsmanagement
  • Teamleitung Studiengangsmanagement
  • Studiengangs- und CurriculumDesigner
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D),
21073 Hamburg
Building D, Room 1.006
Phone: +49 40 42878 4417

Course Scheduling and Organization

Please contact the Course Scheduling and Organization at lehrveranstaltungsplanung(at)tuhh(dot)de.

Exam Scheduling and Organization

Please contact the Exam Scheduling and Organization at pruefungsplanung(at)tuhh(dot)de.