Study Exchange Partnerships

Student Exchange cooperations at UNIVERSITY LEVEL are in general signed with the School of Engineering at the Partner university. In addition to this there are agreements on a DEPARTMENTAL LEVEL

  • for specific schools of study and all the courses of study of that one school, (e.g. only for the school of civil engineering and all of its courses of study) and agreements 
  • for one or more specific course of study of one specific school, (e.g. only for the courses of study 'shipbuilding' and 'ship- and offshore technology' which both belong to the school of mechanical engineering)
  • only for research work

Please find out which school your own course of study your programme belongs to. Before applying for the exchange programme check beforehand if the partner university offers enough matching courses.

AIW and GES students should go by the school of study which correlates to their specialization when looking for cooperations.


Abbreviations are used in the column for the TUHH school of study:

  • B = school of civil engineering
  • E = school of electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics
  • M = school of mechanical engineering
  • V = school of process and chemical engineering
  • W = school of management sciences and technology
  • all / übergreifend = possible for all schools

Oversea Partnerships

List of Oversea Cooperations (Excel)
List of Oversea Cooperations (pdf)
(Updated on 25.11.24)

Erasmus Partnerships

Find out more about a study abroad stay in Europe / within Erasmus programme: Study Abroad

List of Erasmus Partnerships (Excel)
List of Erasmus Partnerships (pdf)
(updated on 19.11.24)