Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Revision Courses plus

Many freshman students in engineering sciences fail their first attempts in the exams of core subjects like Mathematics and Mechanics. For many of them the result is a negative dynamic due to attempts to catch up and to further failed exams up to a possible dropout after four or more semesters as a result.

In tutor-based joint projects the Student Counseling Center at TUHH in cooperation with the respective institutes and the ZLL offers to second semester students a double support strategy through the Repetitorien plus (Revision Courses plus). The “plus” characterizes the non-technical elements of the revision courses.

The combination of subject-specific and psycho-educational support aims to help students at an early stage to gain both subject-specific and self-regulating competences and thereby to countervail the negative dynamic arising from putting the problem aside or not taking it seriously, from relying on inappropriate learning strategies and from indecision as to personal objectives (exams, curriculum, review: Is it the right study program for me?, etc.), thereby also aiming at successfully taking responsibility for their own personal and educational development.

For the tutors the Repetitorien plus offer an excellent training field for gaining experience in managing groups, in moderating and in presenting as well as for acquiring knowledge on communication and group dynamics, thus also enhancing their non-technical qualification.

Here you can find an overview of the program.

Coordination and contact person at the Student Counseling Center:

Dipl.-Psych. Birgit Carstensen
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E),
21073 Hamburg
(bldg. E, room 0.048)

Tel: +49 40 42878 3163