Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Welcome to Hamburg University of Technology

Technology for Humanity is the core motto of the Hamburg University of Technology. That is how we train young people to be committed engineers with technology and sustainability jointly in mind. That is why our research scientists work on basics and applications jointly with other colleagues and with business and industry.

Technology for Humanity is an important result of our research. Our research fields are aligned with the important questions of our time:  Advanced Materials & (Bio-)Processes, Aviation & Maritime Technologies, Cyber Physical & Medical Systems, Environmental & Energy Systems, Logistics, Mobility & Infrastructure. Here we develop scientifically sound solutions, for example for a resilient and sustainable energy supply, efficient resource use and cycles, digitization, the transportation transition and sustainable logistics chains.

Photo: Vincent Franken

Together with our partners in business and industry we work daily on Technology for Humanity. Transfer of research to application is a fundamental strength of the TU Hamburg. In collaboration with the TU Hamburg subsidiary Tutech GmbH our scientists and students take their experience into the region and frequently gain new insights into the next basic research topics.

Every day our students move a little closer toward to Technology for Humanity. In basic lectures and internships or electives their sights are always set firmly on making Hamburg, the region and the world a little bit better by using engineering know-how and methods.

With Technology for Humanity we shape a vibrant workplace for around 1,500 employees from many nations. Be they technicians or administrators, student assistants or building management colleagues, they all contribute with their work toward making teaching and research possible at the TU Hamburg.

I invite you to take a look around—both digitally and on-site—and discover the TU Hamburg and its people yourself. See young students and experienced scientists in their daily research into new horizons for Hamburg and further afield. After all: Technically that is possible!

Yours truly,

Andreas Timm-Giel