Campus International

Our goal is to foster intercultural exchange on TUHH Campus as well as to promote respectful and tolerant dialogue among all students.
Our programs offer plenty of (inter)cultural activities, International Get Togethers, as well as trainings and workshops to help the students to expand professional, personal and language skills important for study and future career. 

Semester program

Join our Semester Program to exchange views with the fellow students, to improve intercultural skills and have fun on top!


Interkulturelle Trainings und Workshops

In our training courses and workshops, we support you in acquiring intercultural, social and language skills that are helpful for your studies and successful intercultural interaction. What is so foreign about other cultures? How do we come across to others? How do misunderstandings arise and what does language have to do with them? We get to the bottom of these and other questions.

Language Cafés@TUHH

The idea is quite simple: At a Language Café you can just drop by, chat with each other in a nice atmosphere and at the same time polish up your language skills, make new friends and find out more about other cultures. The meetings are led by native speakers.


Language Tandem

Tandem language exchange means that two people with different mother tongues come together to improve their language skills. Through regular meetings and conversations in the other language, you practise your listening and speaking skills.


ArtRoom Project

ArtRoom@TUHH is a network that gives you the opportunity to unleash your creativity and do art in an intercultural group. 

Just join us!  


Seminar "Kultur, Literatur und Wissenschaft"

International and German students come together to discuss cultural topics at the intersections of technology, natural sciences, and the humanities. The focus is on exploring how closely science and culture are intertwined, while also fostering an open exchange that allows space for diverse perspectives.


Further tutoring and mentoring programs

There are many student organisations and special mentoring programmes on- and off campus, which can pair you up with tutor or personal mentor.  These are experienced students who can accompany you to the registration offices, help to solve everyday problems and answer study-related questions etc. 

  • Buddy-System des Erasmus Student Network (ESN) provides international students with an opportunity to connect with local TUHH students. Would you like to join the Buddy System? Just go to the  Buddy-System webseite and sign up! For more information just contact: hamburg(at)esn-germany(dot)de
  • Starting Tutors of the ZSB-Student Counseling Center of the tutorial program StartING@TUHH help first-year students to get off to a good academic start!
  • Compass Tutors in the residence halls will support you in the orientation in the student hall life!  Just contact them at: compass(at)wohnheime.studierendenwerk-hamburg(dot)de
  • Student Union at TUHH (ASTA) are elected by students and offer help and advise to look for job or an legal advise. They organise athletic and cultural activities on campus!
  • Departmental committees (Fachschaften) at TUHH help you with specific questions concerning your study subject, examination regulations and other study-related questions. Each department has it's own commitee.