Intercultural Competences

Intercultural Trainings & Workshops

In our training courses and workshops, we support you in acquiring intercultural, social and language skills that are helpful for your studies and successful intercultural interaction. What is so foreign about other cultures? How do we come across to others? How do misunderstandings arise and what does language have to do with them? We get to the bottom of these and other questions.

Communication across Cultures: An intercultural training for all TUHH students

This one-day workshop is aimed at both international and German students who are interested in reflecting on their own culture and discovering how the concept of culture influences their everyday lives.

The main aim of the training is to raise awareness of different culturally influenced communication. We will also take a closer look at specific strategies for dealing with (intercultural) conflicts and refer to practical examples.

The workshop will be held in English.

You can have this intercultural training credited towards the Certificate of Intercultural Competence.

The date will be announced in due time. Are your interested? To stay updated, add your name to this list, and we'll inform you as soon as the date is confirmed.

Intercultural German Language Training

Are you studying in German, but German is not your mother tongue? Have you ever experienced linguistic "faux pas"? Have you ever asked yourself the question when you actually should call someone „Du“ or „Sie“? Do you sometimes have the feeling that you don't understand what the person talking to you really wants to say to you? In several workshops we will try to find answers to these and other questions. Very good German language skills are required (B2/C1).

Further details

Intercultural Basics for studying at TUHH

Studying abroad is exciting, but also brings challenges. We will look at various aspects from an intercultural perspective, including

  1. Culture shock: what is culture shock, why has probably everyone* had one and how can you deal with it?
  2. Learning and teaching styles: How do learning and teaching traditions differ in an academic environment. Why can this lead to misunderstandings and why shouldn't you be afraid of making mistakes?
  3. Communication on Campus: What conventions exist in communication between teachers and students? Why can misunderstandings quickly arise and how can conflicts be resolved?

The date will be announced in due time.

Certificate for Intercultural Competence

Nowadays intercultural competences are key qualifications relevant for future careers and essential in our globalised world. We believe that intercultural involvement and the contribution to international campus activities should be extra valued. With the TUHH Certificate for Intercultural Competence students´special competences and voluntary work in the intercultural field can be bundled and highlighted.

At least three intercultural skills within the following four modules have to be demonstrated: 

Module 1: TUHH Intercultural Training

Participation in the TUHH Intercultural Training "Communication across Culture" is mandatory.

Module 2: International experience abroad

TUHH (exchange) stay for at least one semester or an internship for at least two month can be proven as international experience abroad.

Module 3: Language skills

Module 3 includes language courses like German as a foreign language or other TUHH language courses which you attend during your stay at TUHH or during your exchange stay abroad at a host university, amounting to at least 4 ECTS.

Module 4: Intercultural and social involvement

The module includes extracurricular activities in an intercultural context, e.g. the organisation of intercultural events at TUHH, the activity as a language guide as well as voluntary intercultural activities outside of the university campus.


What is the TUHH Certificate for Intercultural Competence?

Nowadays intercultural competences are key qualifications relevant for future careers and essential in our globalised world. We believe that intercultural involvement and the contribution to international campus activities should be extra valued. With the TUHH Certificate for Intercultural Competence students´special competences and voluntary work in the intercultural field can be bundled and highlighted.

Who can participate?

The certificate is open to all TUHH students. A valid confirmation of enrolment is required.

What do I have to do for the certificate?

The certificate works like a modular system with four components:

Component 1: TUHH Intercultural Training (mandatory)

Component 2: International experiences

Component 3: Language skills

Component 4: Intercultural and social involvement

For the certificate, competences from three of the four modules are required. These have to be listed on the Proof Sheet and have to be proven accordingly, for example by confirmation of participation, transcript of records. At the same time we ask you to submit a report on your experiences. You can find key questions about the written reports here.

How long do I have time?

The certificate can be completed in any number of semesters within the study period at the TUHH.

How and where do I get the certificate?

The International Office of the TUHH is responsible for organising the TUHH Certificate for Intercultural Competence. There the certificate applications are checked and issued. The certificate applications can be sent by e-mail.

What can I have credited as intercultural and social involvement?

There are many opportunities to get involved in intercultural activities, e.g. in the TUHH language café, the AStA international groups (AGs), support for international students, etc. It is important that you are involved for at least one semester and that your activities should be at least 15 hours per semester.

Here you can find some suggestions for intercultural activities in and outside of the TUHH. 

You can find further opportunities for voluntary work in the intercultural field on the pages of the Hamburg voluntary organisations


Can I also have intercultural and social involvement recognised that I showed bevor my studies at TUHH?

No, it is important that you have completed all modules during your studies at the TUHH and have received proof of this.

Can I also have language courses/intercultural trainings recognised that I did not complete at the TUHH?

No, only language courses/events that you have completed at the TUHH will be recognised. Of course, language courses at a host university taken during a study or practical stay abroad will also be credited.

For the certificate I receive Credit Points?

No, no credit points are awarded for the certificate itself.


Icon / File / General
Proof Sheet
Icon / File / General
Key Questions


Kathrin Heuking
52 Incomings and Integration
  • Incomings and Integration
Office Hours
Montag, 09:00 - 12:30 + Donnerstag, 13:00 - 15:00
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E),
21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.058
Phone: +49 40 42878 3503