Download applications and instructions


Applications and instructions for admission to a doctoral degree

  • Instructions on the application for admission (Here you will find Instructions on what to pay attention to when submitting the application for admission to doctoral studies) 
    Stand: 02.05.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Application for admission to doctoral studies 
    Stand: 02.05.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Preliminary application for admission to doctoral studies with FH degree
    Stand: 02.05.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Sample curriculum vitae as an attachment to the application for admission to doctoral studies
    Word 2003 document
    Status: 27.02.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • List FH Proposals (Here you can find the catalog of additional achievements for FH graduates, from which 3 achievements must be selected one each from 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the corresponding dean's office).
    Status: 13.02.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Bavarian Formula (the Bavarian Formula is an aid to convert foreign degrees into the German grading system - the calculation must be submitted for foreign degrees together with the preliminary application for admission to doctoral studies)
    Status: 13.02.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Guidline for Theses
    (Here is a guide from the doctoral committee for dissertations)
    Status: 26.07.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36

Applications and instructions for the opening and execution of the doctoral procedure

  • Instructions for the application to open and conduct the doctoral procedure for monographs and cumulative dissertations
    Status: 19.02.2025
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Application for opening and carrying out the doctoral procedure 
    Status: 19.02.2025
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Supplementary sheet to the application for the opening and execution of the doctoral procedure (only for cumulative dissertation) 
    Status: 11.07.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Coversheet for submission 
    Status: 02.05.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Affidavit Dissertation
    Status: 13.02.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Sample curriculum vitae for submitted dissertation
    Word 2003 document
    Status: 27.02.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36

Instrucions for publication of the final version of the dissertation

  • Checklist for final version
    Status: Status: 13.02.2023
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Coversheet for final version
    Status: Status: 18.12.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36
  • Roster for the submission of the final version of the dissertation
    Status: 02.05.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36

general forms for reviewers and examiners

  • Cover sheet protocol oral examination (for examiners)
    Status: 02.05.2024
    Provided by the Examination Office - Doctoral Affairs, Dept.3, Ref.36