
Publication of important paper in ACS Catalysis

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Professor Horn's Institute of Chemical Reaction Engineering (V-02) publishes the first measurement of specific adsorbate profiles

Using iso-potential DRIFT spectroscopy, employees of the Institute V-02 have succeeded for the first time in measuring adsorbate profiles inside a catalytic reactor. This is particularly important for the development of kinetic reaction models. This was first done in a small profile reactor from Reacnostics, but the method can in principle also be applied to industrial reactors and is not limited to DRIFTS. The test reaction here was CO2 hydrogenation to CH4 on Ni/Al2O3 in the gas phase, in the SFB it should be tried in the liquid phase.

The article is available in ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 8676-8693: doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.4c00536