
Dr Kourist grant awarded again

Sponsorship awarded for special talent with strong social commitment

The Dr Kourist Study Grant was awarded for the 5th time in for the study-protrammes of Process Engineering. It went to the student of Chemical and Bioengineering Ms Marah Alsulaiman Alnaser. The Dr Kourist Study Grant is endowed with 2,000 euros. The aim is to support excellent students with particular talent and exceptional social commitment.

Dr Björn Kourist, a doctor in Harburg, wants to support students who are unable to reach their full potential due to challenging personal circumstances.
"I myself have always been very lucky in life, I was often helped so that I never had to suffer from financial hardship. I would like to give something back for this good fortune and am delighted that I can help students of process engineering in Hamburg on their way to a successful career," says Dr Björn Kourist.

The Studies Committee of Process Engineering congratulates this year's award winner, Ms Marah Alsulaiman Alnaser, thanks Dr Kourist for his many years of commitment and is delighted that he would like to award the sponsorship again next year.