Three students from Hamburg University of Technology in the bachelor's degree programs in bioprocess engineering, process engineering and energy and environmental engineering were honored for their outstanding performance in the shortest possible study period in their cohort. The Bachelor Award is presented by the companies Dow Deutschland, Hamburger Energiewerke and Ohly. The awards are endowed with a total of 3,000 euros.
"I am pleased to award the three students for their excellent academic achievements," says Prof. Andreas Liese, head of the Institute of Technical Biocatalysis and initiator of the event. "My thanks also go to our long-standing and dedicated partners who make this award possible and thus support young scientists."
Two of this year's laudators, Olaf Stüven, production manager at Dow Deutschland in Stade, and Ohly project engineer Dr. Christian Kirsch, are themselves alumni of TU Hamburg. On behalf of Hamburg Energiewerke, Thomas-Tim Sävecke, Head of Engineering, held the laudation. Together with the representative of the student council, Eric Nitschke, of process engineering, the students were honored in the lecture hall of the Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry at the University of Hamburg.
The winners of the Bachelor Award 2023:
Sina Bertram (1,000 euros)
In the subject of process engineering, Sina Bertram shone with her academic achievements. During her bachelor's studies, she already supported other students as a tutor in the measurement technology departments. She also continues to volunteer with the German Lifesaving Society (DLRG) to this day. She is currently studying process engineering in the master's program at the TU Hamburg and is in a semester abroad at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway.
Konstantin Raudszus (1.000 Euro)
Kontstantin Raudszus impressed with excellent performance in his bachelor's degree in bioprocess engineering. Following his successful graduation, he has now also decided to pursue a master's degree in process engineering at the TU Hamburg. His focus includes thermodynamics and numerical flow simulation.
Vincent Rode (1.000 Euro)
In the subject of energy and environmental technology, Vincent Rode was able to convince with his excellent grades.At the Institute for Environmental Technology and Energy Economics, he is currently not only completing his master's degree in regenerative energies; he is also supporting the research there as a part-time research assistant.
The TU Bachelor Award
The award is supported by Dow Deutschland, Hamburger Energiewerke and Ohly, who jointly promote young scientists at Hamburg Technical University. Dow Deutschland has been involved in this for 23 years and awards the bachelor and pre-diploma prize to students. Hamburger Energiewerke is supporting the award for the twelfth time and Ohly GmbH for the fourth time.