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Award ceremony Women in STEM Scholarship

First Zonta Club award ceremony for women in MINT and STEM subjects. Johanna Spansel from the TUHH won the Woman-in-STEM Award 2023.

This year, the Zonta Club Hamburg presented the Woman-in-STEM Award for female students in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subjects for the first time.

One of the two winners is Johanna Spansel. She studies process engineering/renewable energies at the TUHH. She received the Woman in STEM award 2023. Sibel Simlaghai Als, a student of automotive engineering and aircraft construction at HAW Hamburg, received a special prize from Woman in STEM. The award ceremony took place on 12.09.2023.

Professor Dr. Jutta Abulawi from HAW Hamburg, Department of Automotive Engineering and Aircraft Construction, gave the laudatory speech, followed by a keynote speech on the topic "How can we attract more women to STEM professions", moderated by Heidrun Twesten, CEO Impacct GmbH, EQUALIZER Podcast.