
Biotechnology to Face Climate Change - The potential uses of microbial systems for a resource-conserving economy

Inaugural lecture by Prof Gescher on 19 June 2024

Prof Gescher gave his inaugural lecture on 19 June 2024. The President of the TUHH, Prof. Timm-Giel, and the Deputy Dean of the Process Engineering Department, Prof. Horn, introduced the lecture with a laudatory speech. In his lecture, Prof Gescher showed how we can learn from the principles of biology, which wastes nothing. The lecturer used examples from his research to explain how basic microbiological research can be translated into technical applications. He is convinced that we will be able to utilise and control biological systems better and better. Ultimately, the focus is on how valuable chemicals can be produced from residual and waste material streams, the function of biofilms and how microorganisms can act as energy converters between chemical and electrical energy. The lecture was followed by drinks and finger food in the foyer of Audimax II, where the guests and the lecturer met.