Theoretical Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science

The research-oriented Master's program "Theoretical Mechanical Engineering" is the right subject for students who enjoy basic and method-oriented work. Building on a mechanical engineering-oriented bachelor's degree, this master's program imparts interdisciplinary mechanical engineering knowledge and associated mechanical engineering skills. This enables students to develop and optimize complex technical systems products or processes through mathematical description, analysis and synthesis. Current methods of numerical simulation as well as methods for the investigation of system dynamics and control of complex and autonomous systems form the main focus of the course. This includes a broad spectrum of methods, from classical mechanics and system dynamics to numerical methods and machine learning.

Fact sheet

Study program Theoretical Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Study duration: 4 semesters
Credit points according to ECTS: 120
Language: German/English
Type of study: Full-time study
Start of study: Winter semester (October) or summer semester (April)
Application period: June 1st – July 15th and December 1st – January 15th
Admission requirements: Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics or General Engineering Science
Admission restriction: No
Dual studies possible: Yes

What characterizes this study program?

Theoretical Mechanical Engineering is a basic and method-oriented master's degree program with a focus on the future topics of simulation technology, control engineering and autonomous robotics. In addition, there is the possibility of specialization in an application field. A wide range of subjects is offered, from classical mechanical engineering subjects to subjects from system dynamics, mathematics and control engineering to subjects from computer science and data science.

How is the program structured?

The study program is divided into fundamentally oriented core subjects and application-oriented specialization subjects. In the core subjects, students learn advanced mathematical fundamentals as well as in-depth knowledge in the areas of technical dynamics, control engineering, numerics and structural mechanics. In order to deepen the fundamentals, an application-related specialization block must be selected in which a very broad spectrum of subjects is offered. Further technical and non-technical elective subjects can be selected from the range of subjects offered by the TUHH and the University of Hamburg. In the last semester the master thesis is carried out.

The specializations are:

  • Simulation Technology
  • Robotics and Computer Science
  • Bio- and Medical Engineering
  • Energy Technology
  • Aircraft Systems Engineering
  • Maritime Technology
  • Product Development and Production
  • Materials Engineering

What job can I take?

The focus of the program is on optimally preparing graduates for a successful career in research and development or an advanced doctorate. During the project work and the master's thesis, the focus is on the students' own research and development-oriented activities. Current topics from industry and science are dealt with. Since many of the lectures come from the research area of the lecturers, the latest research results are constantly incorporated into the teaching.

What are the requirements?

The master's program builds on a fundamentally oriented bachelor's program such as mechanical engineering or similar. Anyone who enjoys subjects such as applied mathematics, mechanics and control engineering is in the right place in this program.

You must also meet the specific requirements for the master's program!

How do I apply?

You can apply annually for the winter semester in the period from June 1st to July 15th and for the summer semester in the period from December 1st to January 15th. For this you need a Bachelor's degree and sufficiently good German language skills (level B2.2). We conduct an online application procedure.


Further questions?

How to start?

To make it easier for you to start your studies at the TUHH, you will find various offers here:

  •     New@TUHH provides you with information on starting your studies, registration at the library and at the computer center.
  •     The Student Counseling Center offers an orientation session for incoming students of the German-language master's programs
Can I include a semester abroad?

In principle, all exchange programs of the TUHH are compatible with this study program. This applies in particular to the exchange programs with the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Waterloo. These are also aimed in particular at students of Theoretical Mechanical Engineering. Detailed information on the exchange programs with North America can be found here.

Can I study in the dual program?


Yes, you can! All Master of Science degree programs at the TU Hamburg can be studied dual. Since 2003, the Technical University of Hamburg has also offered its Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in a dual study variant in cooperation with more than 50 cooperating companies.

The study concept combines complete university studies with professional practice in the engineering field. The students are employed by one of our cooperating companies and, as cohorts across study programs, represent the entire spectrum of engineering sciences.

The program is rounded off by seminars on the development of social skills, so that graduates can face the challenges of the working world in a responsible manner.

You can find more information about the dual study program at the TU Hamburg here:  


What are my options to do a PhD?

Due to the research-oriented and broad method-oriented focus of the program, it provides a very good basis for a subsequent doctorate. This can be in method-oriented areas such as simulation technology or control engineering or in areas of the chosen specialization.

How is campus life?

The TU Hamburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany. On the clearly arranged and cozy campus you will quickly get to know your new fellow students and in spring and summer numerous seating areas and green spaces invite you to linger together in the fresh air. In an almost familiar atmosphere, we celebrate our summer festival every year in June, where our TU's own beer brewing group "Campusperle" also offers its creations. Of course, you can also get involved in our numerous AGs, which also organize regular events, e.g. screenings of the cinema AG, concerts of SingING or SymphonING. Of particular interest to Data Science students are also the HULKs, who regularly participate in international robot soccer championships, for example.

If you decide to study at TUHH, you also decide to study in Hamburg, the metropolis on the Elbe, Germany's second largest city and certainly its most beautiful. Hamburg combines urbanity and maritime life and is also Germany's greenest city with over a million inhabitants. You will never get bored here: rowing on the canals during the day or jogging in the city park, sunset on the Elbe, a concert in the Elbphilharmonie or a pub night on the Schanze and the fish market at dawn. Here you will find everything for the adventurous, but also numerous quiet places to pause. Together with your fellow students, you will certainly explore Hamburg and its treasures quickly and get to know your new favorite place.

How do I start my career?

Career Center and Alumni Network TU&You

The TUHH Career Center supports students and graduates in the transition from university to work. The services offered include company contact fairs, the TUHH-PraxisPlus internship program for prospective TUHH master's students, case study workshops and job application training. The alumni network TU&YOU offers the opportunity to make contact with former TU members while still a student through a variety of events such as research afternoons, homecoming events and anniversaries.

Where can I find the relevant regulations?

All modalities for admission to the Master's program are regulated in the Statutes on Studies.

The framework conditions for examinations at TUHH are defined by the General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) and the Subject-Specific Study and Examination Regulations (FSPO). The Module Handbook describes the concrete design of the modules provided for in the curriculum and their learning objectives. They also provide information on content, recommended prior knowledge and literature for preparation.

All regulations relevant to the study program, the module manual and study plans can be found here.

Whom can I contact?

If you have any questions about your studies, you can always contact the Central Student Advisory Service or the head of the study program and the advisors!

Program coordinator

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Seifried
M-13 Mechanik und Meerestechnik
  • Studienbereichsleiter FIT, Studiengangsleiter AIW, Studiengangsleiter Engineering Science, Studiengangsleiter Theoretischer Maschinenbau
Office Hours
Donnerstags 15:00-16:00
Eißendorfer Straße 42 (M),
21073 Hamburg
Building M, Room 0511/0512
Phone: +49 40 42878 3020

Program advisor

Dr.-Ing. Marc-André Pick
M-13 Mechanik und Meerestechnik
  • Mechanik und Meerestechnik
Office Hours
nur nach Vereinbarung
Eißendorfer Straße 42 (M),
21073 Hamburg
Building M, Room 0570
Phone: +49 40 42878 3958

The study program is thematically located in the Methods of Research in Science and Engineering and in the research field Cyber Physical & Medical Systems.

The study program is accredited.


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