Prof. Mackens

Water- and Environmental Engineering, Master of Science

Water and environmental engineering deals with the planning and construction of supply and disposal systems and urban infrastruc ture, with questions of the management of water bodies and groundwater as well as wastewater and waste, and with the fundamental problems of environmental protection and sustainability.

The study of water and environmental engineering with a Master of Science degree at the TU Hamburg is aimed at ambitious engineers* in the fields of environmental engineering, water management, civil engineering and related disciplines. It prepares its graduates for management positions in construction companies, infrastructure operators, engineering offices, administration, associations and for independent work in research.


Technical qualifications

The M.Sc. Bioprocess Engineering program is aimed at bachelor's graduates in chemical and bioengineering, biotechnology, bioprocess engineering or process engineering and related fields of study who wish to pursue a research-oriented in-depth study.

The following professional requirements are eligibility requirements:

Mathematics: Analysis, linear algebra, differential equations, statistics, numerical mathematics, programming


Mechanics, fluid mechanics:

Stereostatics, Elastostatics, Hydrostatics, Kinematics, Kinetics, Hydromechanics, Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics


Natural science basics: 

Physics, chemistry, biology


Basics from the field of water, waste, environmental and, or energy engineering.:

Hydraulic engineering, hydrology, limnology, hydrology, water supply, water management, groundwater hydrology, wastewater management, waste management, recycling technology, energy technology, heat and mass transfer, soil hydrology, soil science, remediation of contaminated sites Geoinformation systems, geotechnics Traffic planning, traffic engineering



What characterizes this study program?

The study program is characterized by its scientific orientation, content-related focal points and clear practical references as well as the teaching of interdisciplinary competences. The four specializations "Port Construction and Coastal Protection", "Civil Engineering", "Structures" as well as "Water and Transport" are on the one hand closely linked to the research topics of the participating institutes of the School of Civil Engineering. On the other hand they relate to important professional fields of activity. The link with the research of the TU Hamburg always guarantees up-to-date, research-related lecture content.

The Master's program in Civil Engineering thus creates the prerequisites for working on demanding projects in construction practice, including the necessary economic and management skills.
Buildings are created through the interaction of the client, planning and executing companies, the environment, politics and society. The construction industry moves in the field of tension between what is technically and economically feasible, the political will and the legal requirements. Our graduates are perfectly prepared for this demanding activity.

Our M.Sc. in Civil Engineering also opens up the possibility of a doctorate with a correspondingly good degree and creates the prerequisites for successful research work.


How is the program structured?

The curriculum of the Master's program in Civil Engineering is structured as follows:

  • Core qualification: compulsory modules amounting to 24 credit points, 1st to 3rd semester.
  • Specialization: compulsory modules amounting to 42 credit points, compulsory elective modules amounting to 24 credit points, 1st to 3rd semester
  • Master thesis: 30 credit points, 4th semester

This results in a total of 120 credit points.

The core qualification comprises, in addition to teaching the ability to deal with numerical methods, the interdisciplinary education. Students acquire the ability to responsibly apply their knowledge in different areas, taking into account sustainability and environmental compatibility as well as business management, ecological and safety requirements.

With the choice of the specialization, the focus is set. The following specializations are offered:

  • Port construction and coastal protection
  • Civil engineering
  • Structures
  • Water and traffic

The second or third semester is well suited for a stay abroad.


Specialisation City
Semester ModuleMandatory/Elective
1Integrated Transportation PlanningMandatory
2Wastewater SystemsMandatory
2Urban Environmental ManagementMandatory
2City Planning Mandatory
2Waste and Resource ManagementElective
2Hydrological SystemsElective
2Modeling in Water ManagementElective
2Sustainable energy from wind and waterElective
2Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and EnergyElective
2Smart MonitoringElective
2Transportation Modelling Elective
2Water and Environment: Theory and ApplicationElective
3Study Work Specialisation CitiesMandatory
3Waste Treatment and RecyclingElective
3Adaptation to Climate Change in Hydraulic Engineering (AKWAS)Elective
3Operation of Public Transportation SystemsElective
3Biological Waste TreatmentElective
3Emerging Trends in Environmental EngineeringElective
3Water ProtectionElective
3Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate ZonesElective
3Membrane TechnologyElective
3Process Modeling in Water TechnologyElective
3Sustainable Nature-based Coastal Protection in a Changing Climate (SeaPiaC)Elective
3Water Resources and -SupplyElective
3-4Selected Topics in Environmental EngineeringElective


Specialisation Environment
1Waste Treatment and RecyclingMandatory
1Water ProtectionMandatory
2Management of Surface WaterMandatory
2Water and Environment: Theory and ApplicationMandatory
2Waste and Resource ManagementElective
2Advanced Vadose Zone HydrologyElective
2Field measurements for environmental studiesElective
2Hydrological SystemsElective
2Coastal Hydraulic Engineering IElective
2Marine GeotechnicsElective
2Modeling in Water ManagementElective
2Sustainable energy from wind and waterElective
2Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and EnergyElective
2Smart MonitoringElective
2Urban Environmental ManagementElective
2City PlanningElective
2System Aspects of Renewable EnergiesElective
3Study Work Specialisation EnvironmentMandatory
3Adaptation to Climate Change in Hydraulic Engineering (AKWAS)Elective
3Biological Waste TreatmentElective
3Emerging Trends in Environmental EngineeringElective
3Coastal Hydraulic Engineering IIElective
3Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate ZonesElective
3Membrane TechnologyElective
3Process Modeling in Water TechnologyElective
3Sustainable Nature-based Coastal Protection in a Changing Climate (SeaPiaC)Elective
3Subsurface ProcessesElective
3Water Resources and -SupplyElective
3-4Selected Topics in Environmental EngineeringElective


Specialisation Water
1Subsurface ProcessesMandatory
1Water Resources and -SupplyMandatory
2Wastewater SystemsMandatory
2Management of Surface WaterMandatory
2Advanced Vadose Zone HydrologyElective
2Hydrological SystemsElective
2Coastal Hydraulic Engineering IElective
2Modeling in Water ManagementElective
2Sustainable Energy from wind and waterElective
2Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and EnergyElective
2Smart MonitoringElective
2City PlanningElective
2System Aspects of Renewable EnergiesElective
2Water and Environment: Theory and ApplicationElective
3Study Work Specialisation WaterMandatory
3Adaptation to Climate Change in Hydraulic Engineering (AKWAS)Elective
3Emerging Trends in Environmental EngineeringElective
3Water Protection Elective
3Coastal Hydraulic Engineering IIElective
3Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate ZonesElective
3Membrane TechnologyElective
3Process Modeling in Water TechnologyElective
3Sustainable Nature-based Coastal Protection in a Changing Climate (SeaPiaC)Elective
3-4Selected Topics in Environmental EngineeringElective


What job can I take?

The study program "Water and Environmental Engineering" trains engineers for whom there will be a high demand today and in the future. Our graduates are well prepared for management positions in construction companies, infrastructure operators, water supply and disposal companies, engineering and planning offices, industrial companies, ministries and authorities, but also research institutions.

How do I apply?

You can apply annually for the winter semester in the period from June 1 to July 15 and for the summer semester in the period from December 1 to January 15.

You need a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, environmental engineering, water management or related fields of study (see above criteria for professional qualification). If you are interested in studying for an M.Sc. in Water and Environmental Engineering and do not have a German bachelor's degree, you must prove that you have sufficient German language skills for application and enrollment.

We conduct an online application procedure.


Further questions?

How to start?

To make it easier for you to start your studies at the TUHH, you will find various offers here:

  •     New@TUHH provides you with information on starting your studies, registration at the library and at the computer center.
  •     The Student Counseling Center offers an orientation session for incoming students of the German-language master's programs
Can I include a semester abroad?

Yes. Taking a semester abroad is possible.

Can I study in the dual program?


Yes, you can! All Master of Science degree programs at the TU Hamburg can be studied dual. Since 2003, the Technical University of Hamburg has also offered its Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in a dual study variant in cooperation with more than 50 cooperating companies.

The study concept combines complete university studies with professional practice in the engineering field. The students are employed by one of our cooperating companies and, as cohorts across study programs, represent the entire spectrum of engineering sciences.

The program is rounded off by seminars on the development of social skills, so that graduates can face the challenges of the working world in a responsible manner.

You can find more information about the dual study program at the TU Hamburg here:  


Combine your M.Sc. with an MBA / M.A. in Technology Management! Learn more about the double master program at NIT (Northern Institute of Technology Management).

What are my options to do a PhD?

Yes, you can do a doctorate after completing the master's program. Research topics for the PhD are offered by the institutes of the Dean's Office Civil Engineering. Here you can find more information about research of the dean's office civil engineering.

To which research field of TUHH does this program belong?

The Water and Environmental Engineering program is found thematically in the following research fields:

How is campus life?

The TU Hamburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany. On the clearly arranged and cozy campus you will quickly get to know your new fellow students and in spring and summer numerous seating areas and green spaces invite you to linger together in the fresh air. In an almost familiar atmosphere, we celebrate our summer festival every year in June, where our TU's own beer brewing group "Campusperle" also offers its creations. Of course, you can also get involved in our numerous AGs, which also organize regular events, e.g. screenings by the cinema AG, concerts by SingING or SymphonING, or the participation of the HULKs in international robot soccer championships.

If you decide to study at the TUHH, you also decide for Hamburg, the metropolis on the Elbe, Germany's second largest city and certainly its most beautiful. Hamburg combines urbanity and maritime life and is also Germany's greenest city with over a million inhabitants. You will never get bored here: rowing on the canals during the day or jogging in the city park, sunset on the Elbe, a concert in the Elbphilharmonie or a pub night on the Schanze and the fish market at dawn. Here you will find everything for the adventurous, but also numerous quiet places to pause. Together with your fellow students, you will certainly explore Hamburg and its treasures quickly and get to know your new favorite place.

How do I start my career?

Career Center and Alumni Network TU&You

The TUHH Career Center supports students and graduates in the transition from university to work. The services offered include company contact fairs, the TUHH-PraxisPlus internship program for prospective TUHH master's students, case study workshops and job application training. The alumni network TU&YOU offers the opportunity to make contact with former TU members while still a student through a variety of events such as research afternoons, homecoming events and anniversaries.

Where can I find the relevant regulations?

All modalities for admission to the Master's program are regulated in the Statutes on Studies.

The framework conditions for examinations at TUHH are defined by the General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) and the Subject-Specific Study and Examination Regulations (FSPO). The Module Handbook describes the concrete design of the modules provided for in the curriculum and their learning objectives. They also provide information on content, recommended prior knowledge and literature for preparation.

All regulations relevant to the study program, the module manual and study plans can be found here.

Whom can I contact?

Student Advisory Service

The Central Student Advisory Service offers information and advice for prospective students on the following topics: basic information about degree programs, application and beginning studies, preparation for studies and study requirements, study conditions and study procedures, studying without a high school diploma, studying with disabilities, etc.

Program coordinator

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Fröhle
B-10 Wasserbau
  • Wasserbau
Denickestraße 22 (I),
21073 Hamburg
Building I, Room 1037
Phone: +49 40 42878 4600

The Water and Environmental Engineering program is found thematically in the following research fields:

The study program is accreditated.