Interdepartmental non-technical teaching programme NTA

A change of perspective, a look at other scientific disciplines, innovative teaching formats: The non-technical teaching programme (NTA) creates the learning spaces for this. In its unique and cross-deanery modules, it brings together students from all degree programmes.

The NTA Coordination Office supports the Academic Committee for Non-Technical Programmes ("NTA-Ausschuss") in providing this range of courses. It provides students with orientation in the wealth of courses on offer and simple, fair routes into these learning spaces.

We are your interface between academia and administration, study and teaching, lecturers and students.

Welcome to our website


„From Cybernetics to Cyborg.“ „Well done!“ „Bodyhorror?“ „Stay cool!“

We offer you 40-50 courses in your NTA module each semester. You can also take advantage of the Gender & Diversity teaching programme, obtain certificates and get involved in social learning courses. Perhaps it is also worth taking a look at the funding programmes for student initiatives? Let yourself be guided.

We guide you


Engineers take on social responsibility - that needs to be taught!

Our graduates not only become experts in their field. They also take on civic, political and cultural roles. This is why we empower students to act critically and responsibly.

Shape the education of future engineers with us.

We guide you


The NTA Committee (NTA-Ausschuss) and its management represent the non-technical teaching programme internally and externally on behalf of the Academic Senate of the TUHH.

The NTA Coordination Office provides administrative support to the NTA Committee. As staff unit A3S2, it is part of the Service Department for Teaching and Studies.

We are (not only) the first point of contact for all your questions

We guide you


You can reach us at:



Koordinationsstelle NTA
Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E), R. 0.075, 0.076, 0.093
21073  Hamburg
