Colipi wins the Gründerszene Award 2024

Hamburg, 06 December 2024

Sustainable technology convinces

Hamburg start-up Colipi has won the ‘Newcomer’ category at the Gründerszene Awards 2024 - Impact Edition. The team led by Philipp Arbter, Tyll Utesch, Jonas Heuer and Maximilian Webers was recognised for its innovative technology that uses fermentation to convert CO2 into a sustainable alternative to palm oil.

From the TUHH to success

Colipi's success story began at Hamburg University of Technology. In 2021, the team submitted its application for the EXIST research transfer programme and received a record 4.1 million euros in funding. With this support and guidance from the Startup Port @TUHH start-up centre, Colipi was able to further develop its technology and venture out of the university lab and into its own premises.

Sustainable alternative to palm oil

Palm oil is one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world, but its production often leads to the destruction of rainforests and high CO2 emissions. Colipi has developed a technology that solves these problems: a special bacterium converts CO2, hydrogen and oxygen into ‘climate oil’ that can be used in food, cosmetics and bioplastics.

A look into the future

Following EXIST funding and a successful seed financing round totalling 1.8 million euros, Colipi is now focusing on scaling up its technology. The first product samples are already in circulation and a licence model will enable companies to convert CO2 into sustainable raw materials in the future.
Winning the Gründerszene Award 2024 recognises once again Colipi's innovative work. 

Further information:
Startup Port News
Startup Stories: Founding story of COLIPI
COLIPI receives L'Oreal support

f.l.t.r. Jonas Heuer, Max Webers, Philipp Arbter, Tyll Utesch