Basic internship ("Grundpraktikum")

The admission requirements for most Bachelor's degree programs include a basic internship lasting a total of 8-10 weeks. The basic internship is required in almost all Bachelor's degree programs, except in Computer Science (formerly: Computational Informatics)∗, Technomathematics, Data Science, Green Technologies, Chemical and Bioengineering, Bioprocess Engineering (from winter semester 19/20) and Process Engineering (from winter semester 19/20). As the basic internship is an admission requirement and not part of the regular curriculum, no credit points are awarded. Although the basic internship must be completed during the course of study, it is strongly recommended for organizational reasons that the basic internship is actually completed before the start of the course.

Please refer to the internship regulations linked in the table below for information on the duration and submission date of the internship in your degree program. For some degree programs, it is also possible to complete the basic internship in parts, so that, for example, a part is completed before the degree program and then only a smaller part has to be completed during the degree program. The exact regulations for your degree program can be found in the basic internship regulations linked in the table.
Basic internships are recognized by the relevant internship offices. The following table contains links to the basic internship regulations for all relevant degree programs and lists the responsible persons in the internship offices. If you have any questions, please contact them.
(∗ The specialist internship is to be distinguished from the basic internship)

Degree Internship Regulations Address Internship Office

Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften (AIW)/
General Engineering Science (GES)


Please select the intership office according to the field of activity of the basic internship (see below).


Engineering Science (ES)

Engineering Science (pdf, DEUTSCH)

Please select the intership office according to the field of activity of the basic internship (see below).


Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen

cohorts until 2023/24 (PDF)


cohorts 2024/25 et seqq. (PDF)

Professor Dr. Marcus Rutner
tel.: +49 40 428 78 - 3022
mail: marcus.rutner(at)tuhh(dot)de
Energie- und Umwelttechnik/
Verfahrenstechnik Dr. Marvin Scherzinger
tel.: +49 40 42878 - 4829
mail: marvin.scherzinger(at)tuhh(dot)de
Electrical Engineering/
Computer Science in Engineering (IIW)


Dr. Prashant Batra
Tel.: +49 40 428 78 - 3478
E-Mail: praktikantenamt.eim(at)tuhh(dot)de
Webseite: Praktikantenamt ET/IIW
Logistik und Mobilität/
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Fachrichtung Logistik und Mobilität

Logistik und Mobilität (PDF)

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Fachrichtung Logistik und Mobilität (PDF)

Antworten auf FAQs gibt es hier.

Michaela Grafelmann
E-Mail: praktikantenamt.wilum(at)tuhh(dot)de
Weitere Informationen





Professor Dr. Benedikt Kriegesmann
tel.: +49 40 428 78 - 3205
mail: praktikantenamt.mb(at)tuhh(dot)de
website: Internship Office MB

Professor Dr. Sören Ehlers
tel.: +49 40 428 78 - 3325
mail: ehlers(at)tuhh(dot)de