Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Course Syllabus

Structure Of The Course

During the first four semesters of the bachelor‘s degree course, basic knowledge in general engineering science will be taught. After the basic study stage the students choose a special major within the next two semesters of specialized studies. There is a choice of 14 fields of specialization.

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Bioprocess Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Energy and Environmental Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
    • Product Development, Materials and Production
    • Aircraft Systems Engineering
    • Energy Systems
    • Mechatronics
    • Biomechanics
    • Theoretical Mechanical Engineering
  • Naval Architecture
  • Structural and Environmental Engineering

The Bachelor’s thesis is the final part of this program. Its purpose is to show that the candidate is able to examine a problem in his or her subject independently, within a set time limit, and applying scientific methods.

Practical Training In Industry

Ten weeks of basic practical training in industry (“Grundpraktikum”) is intended to supplement the course of study by giving a basic outline of the future professional occupation. In addition, the purpose of practical training is to provide an introduction to the organizational problems in a company and also help the student gain an impression of the sociological side of the company. Since the course schedule is very tight, students are recommended to do the practical training before the beginning of the bachelor’s degree course, if possible.

Project And Bachelor‘s Thesis

The course of study concludes with a project including the bachelor‘s thesis. Here students are expected to show that they are able to deal with a problem of their specific subject independently according to scientific methods within a maximum period of three months. Under the supervision of a university lecturer, the student will be introduced to practical problems and scientific processing methods. The project work can be performed at the TUHH, at an external institution which is not part of the university, or abroad. The thesis is supervised by a university lecturer of the TUHH.

Educational Methods

Lectures on the fundamental principles of each subject are given by professors. Tutorials concentrating on solving basic and applied problems as well as laboratory work in smaller groups are given by teaching and research assistants. Further support is provided by student tutorials. About 25 hours a week are scheduled as supervised instruction, and a similar additional amount of time is estimated to be needed for individual study. The instruction in the form of lectures, exercises and laboratory work is supported by a tutoring program. This is offered to train the students in social and communication skills and in foreign languages.

Bachelor Of Science Master Of Science
6 Semesters 4 Semesters
Fields Of Specialization In-depth Studies
Biomedical Engineering Mediziningenieurwesen (D)
Bioprocess Engineering Biotechnology (E)
Bioverfahrenstechnik (D)
Chemical Engineering Process Engineering (E)
Verfahrenstechnik (D)
Computer Engineering Information and Media Technologies (E)
Informatik-Ingenieurwesen (D)
Electrical Engineering Information and Communication Systems (E)
Microelectronics and Microsystems (E)
Joint Master in Communication and Information Technologies (E)
Elektrotechnik (D)
Energy and Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering (E)
Joint Master in Environmental Studies (E)
Energie-und Umwelttechnik (D)
Product Development and Production (Mechanical Engineering) International Production Management (E)
Joint Master in Materials Science (E)
Produktentwicklung, Werkstoffe und Produktion (D)
Aircraft Systems Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) Flugzeug-Systemtechnik (D)
Mechatronics (Mechanical Engineering) Mechatronics (E)
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) Theoretischer Maschinenbau (D)
Energy Systems (Mechanical Engineering) Energietechnik (D)
Naval Architecture Schiffbau und Meerestechnik (D)
Structural Engineering Bauingenieurwesen (D)
Water and Environmental Engineering Wasser-und Umweltingenieurwesen (D)
all Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (D)
D = German-taught E = English-taught

Information concerning application

STUDIS - Studierendenservice / Admission and Registration
21071 Hamburg