General Engineering Science (GES)

Fact sheet

Study program General Engineering Science
Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Study length: 7 Semester
Credit points according to ECTS: 210
Language: German/English
Type of study: Full-time study
Start of study: Winter semester (October)
Application period: June 1st – July 15th
Admission requirements: University entrance qualification, MINTFIT test recommended
Admission restriction: Yes
Dual studies possible: Yes
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What characterizes this study program?

The basic concept of the Bachelor's progam in General Engineering Science (GES) differs from the other engineering programs at the TUHH. While the other programs teach the basics and methods of a selected engineering discipline, such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or process engineering, GES aims to provide the students with the broadest possible basic knowledge of all central engineering disciplines. 
Learning and understanding the engineering basics from the various disciplines is demanding. However, due to the breadth of knowledge, the students can quickly familiarize themselves with new subject areas, develop solutions for interdisciplinary tasks, and mediate between the engineering disciplines.

How is the program structured?

The GES program is structured as follows to achieve the goal of engineering education being as broad as possible: First, the students learn the basics of all central engineering disciplines in the so-called core subjects. In addition to the timelessly valid scientific principles and the mathematical methods of engineering, this also includes the fundamental laws and working methods as well as the technological and business principles of the central engineering sciences. The core subjects make up around half of the curriculum.

In addition to the core subjects, students must choose one of a total of 9 specializations (majors) after the first year of study. There are the following choices:

  • Advanced Materials
  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Green Technologies
  • Computer Science
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Naval Architecture

Another unique feature of GES is the comparatively large proportion of practical work. The course includes a 10-week basic internship, in which the students get to know typical manufacturing processes and learn how to use tools. The basic internship is ideally completed before the start of the course. On the other hand, a 12-week advanced internship in the last semester serves to experience the everyday working life of qualified engineers and get insight into possible future areas of responsibility such as design, calculation, quality control, assembly planning, maintenance, or development. The advanced internship is planned in the area of ​​the chosen specialization.

The bachelor thesis in the 7. semester rounds off your studies. You can write your bachelor thesis either at a university-internal research institute or within an external company or institute.

Diagram: Structure of the AIW study program
Diagram: Structure of the AIW study program

How do I apply?

You can apply annually for the winter semester from June 1st to July 15th. For the application, you need a university entrance qualification (usually Abitur) and sufficiently good German language skills (level B2.2). We conduct an online application procedure.

Admission requirements also include a 10-week basic internship. Proof of the basic internship is not mandatory until the fourth semester. However, we recommend that it be completed before you begin your studies.

Get fit for your studies with MINTFIT. This free online test assesses your knowledge in the MINT subjects mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science. Based on completed test items, you will quickly receive individual feedback on your level of knowledge. In addition, you can easily catch up on missing expertise on your own with the connected e-learning courses.


Further Information:

All modalities for admission to the Bachelor's program in GES are regulated in the statutes on studying at the TUHH.

The admission requirements include a 10-week basic internship, the contents of which are regulated in the basic internship regulations. Proof of the basic internship is only mandatory for registering for the bachelor thesis. Still, it is strongly recommended to complete the basic internship before starting your studies for both content and organizational reasons. GES also includes an advanced internship of 12 weeks. It is scheduled at the end of the course and serves, among others, as a guide for future work.

The general conditions for examinations at the TUHH are set out in the general study and examination regulations (ASPO) and the subject-specific study and examination regulations (FSPO). In addition, the module handbook describes the specific design of the modules provided in the curriculum and their learning objectives. They also provide information on content, recommended prior knowledge, and literature to help you prepare.

Program Coordinator

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Seifried
M-13 Mechanik und Meerestechnik
  • Studienbereichsleiter FIT, Studiengangsleiter AIW, Studiengangsleiter Engineering Science, Studiengangsleiter Theoretischer Maschinenbau
Office Hours
Donnerstags 15:00-16:00
Eißendorfer Straße 42 (M),
21073 Hamburg
Building M, Room 0511/0512
Phone: +49 40 42878 3020

Further Contacts

Deputy Program Coordinator and Academic advisor

Alexander Held

Student body (Fachschaftsrat)

Email: fsr-aiw(at)tuhh(dot)de

Student Counselling Office

+49 40 428 78  2232
Email: studienberatung(at)tuhh(dot)de

This study program is accreditated.