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Student Course Evaluation

Teaching evaluation at TU Hamburg was newly developed in a participatory process. The Executive Board has decided to use the new survey software "evasys" for this purpose, which is also used by the other state universities in Hamburg. The new system is available now.

You will find the basic questionnaire here and instructions on how to add more optional pre-defined and own questions to it, how to receive and share the survey link/QR code with your students and how to receive the results of your survey:

  1. Set optional and own questions
  2. Receive and share link/QR code
  3. Receive and interpret results

Alternatively, you can also watch excerpts from the Teaching Appetizer from 08.05.2023, in which the corresponding clicks are shown. You can find the individual recordings here, they are, however, in German:

  1. Recording: Set optional and own questions
  2. Recording: Receive and share link/QR code
  3. Recording: Receive and interpret results

In the Teaching Appetizer we also showed the process of teaching evaluations, you will find the corresponding slide here:


Should you have any enquiries or require further support or assistance, please get in touch with ZLL.

Contact: Mariette Kühnelt, qualitaetsmanagement-zll[at], 040/42878-4818

Teaching evaluation ist important to get insights into the students' views and what helped or hindered them in their learning process. For good response rates and thus for the significance of the data, it is important to give students the opportunity to fill in the questionnaire directly during the course ("online in presence"). On the other hand, your interest in the students' feedback is crucial, e.g. by discussing the survey results with your students at the end of your course/lecture. The survey cycle will be closed by this and students realise their feedback as effective.

More tools to obtain feedback

Besides the standard end-of-semester course evaluation, there are many other ways to obtain feedback from students. Feedback can focus on the students’ comprehension of the subject (what have and haven’t students understood at a certain point?) or also course reviews (how do students evaluate aspects of your teaching?).

Should you already seek feedback mid-semester (so-called formative evaluation), this would enable adjusting your teaching during the current semester. The following table shows a selection of tried and tested methods. For each method, the table shows brief information on objectives, execution, effort, as well as digital and analog options of implementation.

Evaluation of student’s comprehension

Methods to assess student learning

Course evaluation

Methods to let students review aspects of your teaching
Poll systems Flashlight

Interim tests for self-testing

Backchannel Individual questionnaire
One-minute-paper Peer visit
Muddiest point Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP)
Living statistics Living statistics
RSQC2 (recall-summarize-question-connect-comment-method)  

Formative feedback facilitates a direct and immediate dialogue between teachers and students about teaching methods, and helps to lay optimal foundations for successful learning.

We will readily give advice and practical support on realizing a suitable method for your teaching situation.
