Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) is a simple and well-structured method in which learners give feedback on the course they attended during the semester. The lecturers are not present, and the poll is conducted by independent moderators. First, the learners are divided into small groups. On the basis of the three predefined questions

"1. what makes you learn well in this event?

"2. what hinders your learning in this event?

"3. what suggestions do you have for improving the hindering points?"

they briefly discuss teaching and learning in the groups and note down their results. Then the feedback is solicited, collected and prioritized. Majority feedback is then passed on to the lecturers. He or she finally discusses these results with the students in the next session.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning (ZLL) supports lecturers at the TUHH in conducting a TAP. For the method, 3 x 30 minutes should be planned for the implementation, the debriefing with ZLL and for the discussion with the students in the follow-up session.

If you are interested, please register here.

See also (german):                                      

FRANK, Andrea; FRÖHLICH, Melanie; LAHM, Swantje. Zwischenauswertung im Semester: Lehrveranstaltungen gemeinsam verändern. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, [S.l.], oct. 2011. ISSN 2219-6994.

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