
IMPICS, or just ICS

International Master’s Program in Information and Communication Systems.

EIM School

School of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics (EIM). The ICS program is under the EIM School.


The teaching and research activities of the EIM School are provided by the Institutes. Institutes are like research groups, with professors, postdocs, PhD students, student assistants, etc. 

Program Coordinator

The Program Coordinator is the person in charge of the Master's program. He/She is sometimes referred to as the Program Director in different course schemes.

Academic supervisor and first examiner

The professor who is ultimately responsible for your proper supervision and for assessing your work.
The academic supervisor might have other people helping him/her in the daily supervision of your work, e.g. a PhD student, a PostDoc, or an industry expert.

Second examiner

The grade of your project or thesis has to be agreed upon by a second academic person. In case of a master's thesis, this must be a professor.

Modules and courses

What is usually called a course elsewhere, is instead called a module here. A module typically comprises many subparts, called courses that you have to complete in order to get your credits. For instance, there could be a ‘lecture’ part and a ‘lab project’ part.

TUNE and Stud.IP (our digital platforms)

As a student, you have to get familiar with these 2 digital platforms:

  • TUNE is the administrative platform that you use to compile your curriculum. It is also used to register for courses and register/unregister for exams.

  • Stud.IP is the learning platform. It is used to share slides, to get announcements from teachers, to upload assignments, and so on.


Orientation for newcomers

Welcome Weeks

The International Office organizes the Welcome Weeks to help with the orientation on your study start. Check their program and attend the events:

To be more integrated into the campus life, get in touch with the student associations and join the events they organize https://www.asta.tuhh.de

Online resources

First orientation for new students: https://www.tuhh.de/tuhh/en/education/newtuhh

How to create a schedule: https://www.tuhh.de/tune/en/manuals/students/schedule

Manuals for the self service functions in TUNE (exam registration etc.): https://www.tuhh.de/tune/en/manuals/students

Find peers and get support

The IMPICS program has created a Mattermost space (it’s like Slack) for our students. There are no teachers here, just students. It’s a good place to ask questions, find a study buddy, and so on. Link of MPICS channel on mattermost (https://communicating.tuhh.de/eim/channels/mpics-cafe) To join, please contact Abdullah Saei (abdullah.saei(at)tuhh(dot)de).

If you need further assistance, you can contact the Student Counseling Center (https://www.tuhh.de/tuhh/en/education/contacts/student-counseling-center). They offer orientation and advice on studying (also in EN). They also offer psychological counseling.


Do I have to register for modules and courses?

In TUNE, please remember to register for all courses (subparts) belonging to a module. In Stud.IP, under ‘Courses’, you will find a different item for each course (subpart) belonging to a module. For instance, a teacher will use different courses to post the slides from the lectures and the exercise sheets for the lab. Sign up for all courses.

Is there a list of subjects that can be taken as a Technical Complementary course for IMPICS?

There’s no specific list because you can take any Master’s Level Technical course offered at TUHH. This includes all courses listed in the Information and Communication Systems program; however, it also expands to other Technical Courses offered in other programs. Remember that it must be a Master’s Level Engineering, Computer Science, or Mathematics course.

Which Technical Complementary courses are better suited for IMPICS students?

We recommend that you consider Technical Complementary courses listed as part of the Information and Communication Systems Course Syllabus. Then, consider courses offered by the EIM School.

Conversion of credits from BSc courses

Asking for equivalence of bachelor-level courses may result in a loss of time for all the parties involved (students, administration, teachers). According to ASPO, bachelor courses could be equivalent to master courses. However, the courses that the students present often correspond to TUHH bachelor courses. TUHH master courses build upon the fundamentals from those courses but go into more detail and scientific depth (even though the headlines/topics seem similar).

Useful links to assemble your curriculum
Can I use the "Hauptseminare Informatik und Kommunikationstechnik / Advanced Seminars Computer Science and Communication Technology” as a Technical Complementary course?

Unfortunately no. The "Advanced Seminars” module is an open module and only closed modules can be used.


How do I register for exams?

All exam registrations are done online via TUNE (https://tune.tuhh.de). After you log in with your credentials, please click on “Administration of exams” to find options on how to register for an exam. You can also access it by logging in to tune.tuhh.de > My Studies > Examination Service.
Please note you can only register for an exam within a given period. This period is subject to change depending on the semester you’re in. For more information on that period, please go to this link: https://intranet.tuhh.de/stud/pruefung/ and read all information thoroughly.

Do I have to register for exams?

Yes! You will not be allowed to take the exam, unless you are registered.

Do I have to unregister for exams?

Yes! There is no consequence for deregistering from an exam. Instead, if you register for an exam and don’t show up, this will count as a fail attempt (see next question). Hence, remember to unregister, if you change your mind about an exam and want to withdraw. You must officially withdraw from an exam a certain number of days prior to the date of the exam. We strongly advise that you follow up with the Examination Office regarding the actual criteria.

How many times can I retake an exam, in case I failed?

You have a limited number of attempts. Reaching the limit might get you out of the program. Please, follow up with the Examination Office for more information.

In the case I passed the course with a poor grade, can I retake the exam in a future semester?

Unfortunately, no. You may only retake the exam if you have not passed the course.