Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

How to Gain Admission to Bachelor's Programs

Applications for all Bachelor’s courses at the TUHH are completed online. You may be required to upload a number of documents with your application. Which documents are required depends on several factors, such as your nationality, where you obtained your university entrance qualifications and whether you have possibly already completed a university course in Germany. You may also be required to provide evidence of your German/English language skills. Please make sure that you find out about the TUHH’s language requirements in good time.
You can find step-by-step instructions for how to apply here.

Application procedure

Application procedure

The TUHH uses the dialogue-oriented service procedure (DoSV) provided by the Stiftung for Hochschulzulassung (Foundation for University Admissions) for all applications for Bachelor’s courses. Before you can commence your application to the TUHH, you must register with them ( You can find more information about this here. Once you have registered, you can complete your online application with the TUHH. Please make sure that you have your certificates to hand as you will need them to fill in the application. Once you have entered the necessary information, you will be asked to upload them. Please note that you can apply for a maximum of two Bachelor’s courses at the same time.

Special applications

Hardship applications or top athlete quota applications can also be made online. Please make sure that you upload the additional supporting documents that are required for such applications. You can find further information on this subject by clicking on “selection".

University entrance qualification

If you obtained your school leaving qualification in Germany, please check that you either have a general university entrance qualification, or a subject-specific university entrance qualification for technical or engineering fields. If you obtained your university entrance qualification in a different German federal state, please check that your qualification entitles you to study at the TUHH. If you do not have a university entrance qualification, you can find information on how to apply here. If you obtained your school leaving qualifications outside of Germany, please see the information further below.

If you do not have a general university entrance qualification or subject-specific university entrance qualification, but have passed an intermediate examination (Zwischenprüfung/Vordiplom) at a German technical college (Fachhochschule) with a grade of 2.0 or better, you may apply for a study place. If you are unsure as to whether you have the necessary university entrance qualification, please submit your certificate(s) to Academic and Student Services in good time.
University entrance qualifications that were achieved in the German Democratic Republic (former East Germany) must be submitted to Hamburg’s School Information Centre (Schul-Informations-Zentrum, SIZ) for evaluation. Address: Schul-Informations-Zentrum (SIZ), Beratungsteam A, Hamburger Straße 37, 22083 Hamburg.

Information for foreign applicants

As the TUHH does not collaborate with UniAssist, you are not required to upload UniAssist documents when making your application.
Please check whether your school leaving qualification entitles you to study at the TUHH. You can do so on the anabin website (German only).
This document outlines the most important information on the application and admission procedure. You can also find information for applicants who do not have a German university entrance qualification here.

You may be required to provide evidence of your language level in German/English. You can find details of the language skills requirements for Bachelor’s courses at the TUHH here.

Special information for prospective students for a dual study programme

Are you interested in a dual study programme at the TUHH? Then read more information about the conditions of a dual study programme here.

In this case, the application is also for a regular Bachelor's programme. There is no separate admission procedure for dual students. The specification into a dual study programme is only made at the time of enrollment, if a corresponding student contract with a cooperation company can be proved.