Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

FAQs for Bachelor’s programs

Questions concering application / admission / registration for the Bachelor's programs

1. Questions concerning application

2. Questions concerning admissions

3. Questions concerning registration

4. Questions for applicants from abroad (outside EU and "Studienkolleg")

1. Questions concerning application

Which university entrance qualification do I have to gain for an application to a Bachelor’s course?

  • a general university entrance qualification (like “Abitur”)
  • a university entrance qualification for TUHH’s Bachelor’s courses (e. g. “Fachabitur Technik”)
  • a further vocational training’s certificate (like “Meister”, “Fachwirt” – see here).
  • a first final degree issued by a German university or university of applied sciences
  • a certificate from abroad equivalent to a German university entrance qualification (see here)

I have gained an entrance qualification for a German university of applied sciences (“Fachhochschule”). Is it possible to get admission to TUHH?

No. Please apply to a university of applied sciences.

Is it possible to study at TUHH without having a direct university entrance qualification?

Information can be found here.

Who should I contact if I still have questions about course content?

Please contact the Central Study Advisory Service at the TUHH.

How do I apply for a place on a Bachelor’s course?

Information can be found here. Please note the different groups for application. And: You have to apply online.

When must I apply?

You must apply between June 1 (ususally) and July 15 for a winter semester. You can find changes to the application deadlines on our homepage. You cannot apply for the summer semester. 

What is the full documentation that must be enclosed with an application for a place on a Bachelor’s course?

Please apply online.

Will receipt of my application be acknowledged?

As soon as your data has been transmitted electronically you can check your application status online. We'll Need about 2 weeks to proof your application. 

In case I have to send documents must my documents be certified?

It's an online application. You don't need to send any documents for application.

I have already gained admissions last year but I was not able to start my studies due to military or civilian service. Do I have to apply once again?

Yes, please apply online. Information can be found here.

I’m already a holder of a first final degree (e. g. Bachelor, Diplom) issued by a German university or university of applied sciences. What do I have to account for?

Please apply online. Note the information given here, too.

I would like to apply for treatment as a hardship case. What must I do? Is there a recognized ground for hardship in my case?

Please find out here.

I am already taking a Bachelor course and wish to switch to the TUHH. What must I do?

Apply for the first subject semester. After gaining admission and registration, apply to the relevant Board of Examiners (within the first 6 week after enrolment) to have your previous work credited. Prior to that we are unfortunately unable to provide any information as to which work can be credited.

How many times can I apply?

You may submit two applications per application semester. Should you make two applications, these are equal. There is the possibility that you receive a licensing for both courses of studies. 

My goal is a Master’s degree. Which course should I apply for?

Even though your goal is a Master, please apply first for a suitable Bachelor course. Only when you have completed a Bachelor or comparable degree course may you apply for a Master's program.

Can you tell me the numerus clausus in the last application round?

The TUHH does not set a numerus clausus. Please take a look at this.

What if my school did not award grades in mathematics?

In case you graduated from a German school abroad and you have an EU-Citizenship, please enter your grades in mathematics during the last two years of school in online application portal.

If you did not get mathematics grades in your school please leave that section of the online form blank.

Can I apply even though I have no high school graduation certificate / university entrance qualification yet?

No, not yet. Please do not send us your application until you have received your high school graduation / university entrance qualification certificate.

I will be on holiday during the online application period. Can I apply by post?

No, an online application is compulsory. Please authorize a person you trust to act for you during your absence.

Must I complete an internship before beginning my studies?

No. It is not absolutely essential to complete an internship in advance. This is only recommended. An internship is not relevant for admission.

How do I find out what I have to do during the internship or whether my vocational training will be recognized as an internship?

Please contact the relevant Internship Office. The Central Study Advisory Service will tell you who to contact.

What are waiting semesters and how are they counted?

Waiting semesters are all semesters during which you were not studying at a university in Germany after becoming eligible for university entrance. No special proof needs to be provided. A maximum of seven waiting semesters can be credited.

I have some technical problems concerning the upload of documents. Who is going to help me?

Please contact STUDIS.

I do not get access to my application status. What can I do?

Please follow the instructrions given in the online applicaton portal. Or contact the email address written in the online application portal.

I have lost my application number. Who is going to help me?

Please contact STUDIS (stating your full name and your date of birth).

2. Questions concerning admission

What are the selection criteria for admission?

Please look here.

When will I be granted admission?

Applications will be assessed after application deadline, and offers of admission will be published at the middle of August. If your grade for processing purposes adds up to a certain number of points you will be granted admission directly. Please, note that applicants are informed about a licensing only about 

I haven’t gained admission yet. Up to what time moving-up procedures take place?

Places that are not taken up - because the offer was not accepted or the admission was forfeited - are allocated to the applicants who are next in line on the waiting list up to the lectures begins generally. Please check your account at the online application portal and also your account from Please, check with application about group 1 regularly Basically this can occur up to the end of coordination phase 2. 

How long do I have to accept the place after being offered admission?

Please inform here.

I am on holiday at present, how can I meet the deadline for accepting my place on a course?

Please check your account and the online application data base regularly, even while on holiday and send your acceptance online. If you have no Internet access, please authorize a person you trust to accept the place on your behalf during your absence.

I am waiting for admission to another university. Can I still accept a place on a course and withdraw from it later on?

Please note: If you accept a place on a course offered to you by "Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren" all other applications will not be considered any longer.

3. Questions concerning registration

I have gained a university place at TUHH. What is to do next?

You have to apply for enrollment up to the enrollment deadline. After you have been admitted and accepted the place the online-application form for registration (“Online-Immatrikulation") can be found at the online application Portal.

After the enrolment you will get a request of payment concerning the semester contribution by the Registrar’s Office. Please do not pay before receipt of the named request.

When does the degree course start?

The semester officially starts on October 1 each year. However, when regular lectures start can be found here. Please note that bridging courses and preliminary courses (mathematics, preparatory data processing courses) take place. Participation is strongly recommended. 

Do I have to register for the bridging courses? And when will they take place?

Bridging courses and preliminary courses (mathematics, preparatory data processing courses) take place within the frist 2 weeks of the semester normally. And registration is not necessary.

If I will gain admission to TUHH what do I have to pay per semester?

Information concerning the semester contribution can be found here. And note: There are no general tuition fees.

Where can I get my timetable/curriculum?

You have to arrange your timetable on the basis of the course plan of your course of study that you can find here. You can find the university calendar here.

When I register, I have to show proof of health insurance. Where can I get it?

Germany has two kinds of health insurance scheme, statutory and private. If you are under the age of 30 you should choose a statutory health fund (e. g. DAK, TK, AOK, Barmer…). Please give the health insurer a copy of your university acceptance letter and state there that you would like to enrol at TUHH. The relevant health insurance company will then arrange for TUHH to receive notification of your insurance status online. If you are 30 or older, statutory insurance can be very costly. Private health insurers (e. g. Mondial Assistance, Elvia, Allianz…) offer lower cost alternatives. Please hand in a copy of your health insurance policy when you register.

If you are registering for the preparatory course (SPRINT), only private health insurance is possible.

4. Questions for applicants from abroad

What evidence or documents do you need to check my eligibility for university entrance, or must I enclose with my application?

It's an online application. You don't have to send any documents by post for application. More Information you find here.

Must I send my documents to uni-assist?

No, TUHH Admissions Office will check your certificates and ascertain whether you are eligible to join the university.

I need confirmation of my application for my visa. How do I get it?

Please contact the Registrar’s office.

I would like to/must attend a Studienkolleg (preparatory course). Where do I apply?

Information concerning Studienkollegs in Germany can be found at Information concerning Studienkolleg Hamburg can be found here:

Must I take the DSH German language examination for university entrance?

By the time you register you must show proof that you have passed a recognized German language test. See here, too.

Can I take the DSH at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)?

The TUHH does not offer the DSH examination. We therefore advise applicants to take the (TestDaF) test in German as a foreign language.

Where can I take the test in German as a foreign language (TestDaF)?

You can find information on test centers worldwide online at

Can I learn German at the TUHH before starting my course?

No. You can only register as a student when you have fulfilled all the admission requirements (university entrance eligibility qualification, German test, letter of admission).

Where can I find information about entry into Germany and residence regulations, a visa?

The German consulate or embassy in your home country will inform you about the requirements for a Visa for Study Purposes (Visum zu Studienzwecken). Important: Do not on any account enter Germany with a tourist visa, because it cannot be converted subsequently into a student visa! To obtain a student visa, you must have an offer of admission to a university course or a Studienkolleg. If you have no offer of admission to a course as yet, you can only apply for a Student Applicant Visa (Studienbewerbervisum), which is valid for three months. Within three months of entry to Germany, the relevant authority for foreign nationals will convert this, like the student visa, into a Residence Permit for Study Purposes (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu Studienzwecken), provided you begin a course of study.

I am an au pair in Germany. Can I start a degree course?

No, the purpose of your stay is clearly laid down and is restricted to your work as an au pair. Contact the local authority or foreigners’ office of the place where you are staying to find out how to apply for a Visa for Study Purposes.

What happens if I have received an offer of admission but failed to obtain 16 points in the TestDaF, or did not take the test?

In that case it will unfortunately not be possible for you to register at TUHH.

When can I expect a decision on my application?

Admissions letters can be found on the online application data base from August. Please check your application status and e-mail-account regularly.