Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

McKinsey & Company Inc. – Additive Manufacturing – Developing a global perspective on markets, technologies and use cases 

Description of the company

McKinsey is the world’s leading top-tier management consultancy supporting their clients on all crucial strategic questions across all industries. Highest priority and declared target is to deliver biggest possible impact to clients’ performance. Achieving sustainable improvements requires McKinsey and their clients to work hand in hand and eye to eye. At the same time both sector-specific and functional expertise is built further. The success of McKinsey is evident in its consistent growth. Currently the company employs more colleagues and holds more offices across the globe than ever before. The German office ranks amongst the largest and most dynamic ones.

Starting Situation

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is defined as the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies. AM has some disruptive benefits compared to conventional technologies like higher design flexibility, higher yield, faster time to market and being able to produce highly complex, customized products in a cost efficient one step process. Recent developments have also increased cost efficiency and thus made possible other day-to-day use cases in serial production

Problem Formulation

Technological advancements in the areas of Additive Manufacturing are achieved at a high pace. The market situation is constantly changing as developments are brought forward independently – dispersed around the globe. Many manufacturing companies face the increasingly difficult challenge to have a perspective on AM and act upon respective use cases within their value chain. What materials can by now be processed with AM? What new use cases are made possible through the technological advancements (e.g. increase in size)? What business models are available and feasible for companies – in-house vs. outsourcing? What does a successful go-to-market strategy look like? The industry is looking for answers and perspectives!

Project Aim(s)

Starting from a holistic market analysis to identify their potential and available technologies, you shall develop different business models to apply Additive Manufacturing. Building on them, new and creative use case for AM shall be specified and lastly be synthesized into a go-to-market strategy as a recommendation (implementation roadmap) for potential clients.


  • Analyze market information regarding the potential of Additive Manufacturing
  • Consolidate technological advancements of recent years identifying potential new use cases
  • Develop business models to apply Additive Manufacturing in a business context
  • Develop practical use cases for Additive Manufacturing in an industrial context
  • Synthesize your learnings into a go-to-market strategy (recommendation)

Target Group

All students working towards a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree with knowledge in the area of Additive Manufacturing (e.g. Mechanical Engineering) or strong interest for market analyses, strategy and consulting in general

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