3 Steps for Your Application

  1. Step: Registration for the programme Fishing for Experience
    In our booking system, you register for participation in the Fishing for Experience programme for the coming semester. Here you enter your first, second and third choice of the project that you desire to be part in and add your contact details. Please always use your TUHH email address when registering.

    Find the list of all projects here.
  2. Step: Send a) letter of motivation and b) curriculum vitae (CV) (German or English) by e-mail
    a) Write a letter of motivation to the Career Center (not individually for each company project) explaining why you want to participate in Fishing for Experience. Please also explain, WHY you would like to work on the projects and point out your relevant prior experiences in the field.
    b) Add a curriculum vitae (CV) in tabular form to your application.

    Send the letter of motivation and the resume in one pdf document via e-mail to fishing(at)tuhh.de
    Please choose a telling name for your PDF: "surname_first name_MLaCV"
  3. Step: Register separatly for the information event via our booking system.
    At the information event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the projects and can point your questions directly to the participating companies. Please use your TUHH email address here as well.


Frauke Kasting

Fishing for Experience
FitING in Germany

Bürozeiten: Mo bis Do
Raum A 1.74
+49 40-42878-6190


Katrin Fimpel

Fishing for Experience

Bürozeiten: Mo bis Do
Raum A 1.74
+49 40-42878-3651

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