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Broschüre des BMFSFJ : Elterngeld und Elternzeit und die neuste Version Elterngeld und Elternzeit gültig ab dem 1.4.2024 sowie den Neuregelungen im Elterngeld für Geburten ab 1. April 2024

Brochure on English: Parental Allowance and Parental Leave please note that there are changes since 1.4.2024 but yet there is no new brochure available in English.

New rules for parental allowance for births from 1 April 2024
New regulation for the parallel receipt of basic parental allowance
The following additional restrictions apply to basic parental allowance for births from 1 April 2024:
Simultaneous receipt of basic parental allowance will in future only be possible for a maximum of one month and only within the first 12 months of the child's life. The new regulation only affects the simultaneous receipt of Basic Parental Allowance. As soon as one of the parents receives Parental Allowance Plus, the other parent can also receive Basic Parental Allowance or Parental Allowance Plus for more than one month at a time. Months in which the mother is entitled to maternity benefits continue to count as basic parental allowance months for the mother. Basic Parental Allowance can still be received up to the 14th month of life if both parents apply for parental allowance and one of the parents has less income than before. However, from the 13th month of life, one parent can only receive Basic Parental Allowance if the other parent does not receive either Parental Allowance or Parental Allowance Plus during the same period. Parents of premature babies born at least six weeks before the expected date of delivery, parents of twins, triplets or other multiples as well as parents of newborn children with disabilities and siblings with disabilities for whom they receive the sibling bonus can continue to receive basic parental allowance as required, in particular for more than one month at a time. Further information on all new regulations for parental allowance for births from 1 April 2024 can be found online at:

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