Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

msg systems AG:
Prototype development for logistics with AR / VR technologies

Description of the company
msg ist eine unabhängige, international agierende Unternehmensgruppe mit eigenständigen Landes- und Tochtergesellschaften und weltweit mehr als 6.000 Mitarbeitern. Mit ihrem ganzheitlichen Leistungsspektrum aus einfallsreicher strategischer Beratung und intelligenten, nachhaltig wertschöpfenden IT-Lösungen hat sich die Unternehmensgruppe in über 35 Jahren einen ausgezeichneten Ruf als Branchenspezialist erworben und nimmt im Ranking der IT-Beratungs- und Systemintegrationsunternehmen in Deutschland Platz 7 ein.


Initial situation
The business unit Travel & Logistics of msg systems AG is looking for possible ways of the application of VR/AR Technology in logistics. Our goal is to identify use cases for digital transformation of logistics and transportation, to create first prototypes of applications and to test them. That use cases should use a HoloLens or AR/VR glasses.

Task description
Identification of AR/VR use cases in logistics and creation of prototypes

Project Goal(s)
Development of a prototype for an AR/VR application in logistics:
·         Market analysis
·         Innovation workshops
·         Conceptual design
·         Create and test prototypes
·         Reporting

·         Planung, Herstellung und Innovation eines Produktes
·         Market analysis
·         Design thinking
·         Logistics
·         Application development
·         Become acquainted with VR/AR technology
·         Iterative approach

Target Group
You should have the following profile:
-          You are a student in logistics or computer science.
-          You are interested in developing solutions for logistical problems applying new technologies (VR/AR).
-          You should be enthusiastic about innovation and bring creativity into solution concepts and the creation of prototypes.
-          You have Android programming skills or Java is not a stranger for you.
-          You are fluent in either English or German.

In particular, we address students of the following studies:
-          Computer Science
-          Elektrotechnik
-          Global Innovation Management
-          Informatik-Ingenieurwesen
-          Information and Communication Systems
-          Logistik, Infrastruktur und Mobilität

-          Computer Science
-          Elektrotechnik
-          Informatik-Ingenieurwesen
-          Logistik und Mobilität
-          Technomathematik

Please keep the following dates in mind:

  • 23. October: Info Event, 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock in the LuK-Mehrzweckraum
  • 1. November: Kick-Off-Event, 14:00 to 17:30 o'clock
  • 4. and 12. November: Projektmanagement-Workshop, ca. 09:00 to 17:00 o'clock
  • 9. November: kickoff-meeting with msg systems, 9:30 to 11:30 o'clock, Dammtorwall 7, 20354 Hamburg
  • 24. November: Workshop "Führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion", ca. 09:00 bis 17:00 o'clock