Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Design/concept of a secure Smart Factory

Making an impact that matters. Unser Anspruch ist, jeden Tag das zu tun, was wirklich zählt – für Kunden, unsere Mitarbeiter und die Gesellschaft. Wir unterstützen Kunden auf einzigartige Weise: Wir liefern innovative Denkansätze, lösen komplexe Herausforderungen und ermöglichen nachhaltiges Wachstum. Wir bieten unseren hochqualifizierten Mitarbeitern ein inspirierendes Umfeld, in dem sie für Kunden echten Mehrwert schaffen, wir fördern außergewöhnliche Berufserfahrungen und Karrierechancen sowie eine integrative und gemeinschaftliche Kultur. Wir leisten einen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft – wir stärken Vertrauen und Zuversicht in die Märkte, wahren die Integrität von Organisationen und engagieren uns für die Gemeinschaft.

Project description
Industry 4.0 is the connection between, and introduction of, IT into operational technologies and production systems on the shop-floor. This leads to new operating models of a wide variety of sensors within production, which serves as the basis for a Smart Factory. A Smart Factory is able to operate completely autonomously without major human interaction. This is made possible through communication among the product and production machines via e.g. RFID, Bluetooth or QR-codes. In this process, IT-Security is usually neglected or attached with little significance, especially during the design and concept development of a Smart Factory. The introduction of IT-Security measurements at a later stage often inevitably results in high effort and cost on resources, capital and time.


Project objectives

The project aims at designing and developing a concept of a Smart Factory from an IT-Security perspective. In a first step, the basic requirements of IT-Security for operational technology and production systems have to be identified. Based on an example factory, the concept of the secure Smart Factory will be developed.


Project tasks

The project is split into two tasks.

1.       Analysis of IT-Security requirements of operation technologies and production systems

2.       Development of a secure Smart Factory concept


Target group

Students from the majors Computer Science, Computational Science and Engineering, Logistics and Mobility, Mechanical Engineering preferred.

Please keep the following dates in mind:

  • 23. October: Info Event, 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock in the LuK-Mehrzweckraum, mainbuilding
  • 1. November: Kick-Off-Event, 14:00 to 17:30 o'clock
  • 4. and 12. November: Projektmanagement-Workshop, ca. 09:00 to 17:00 o'clock
  • 9. November: kickoff meeting with Deloitte 16.00 to 18.00 o'clock, Dammtorstr. 12, Hamburg
  • 24. November: Workshop "Führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion", ca. 09:00 bis 17:00 o'clock