Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH – Project Controlling

Company Summary
Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft is a planning office with the focus on building technology, heat networks, power-heat cogeneration, bioenergy, solar energy and energy efficiency. We are involved in the development, planning and implementation of energy supply projects, neighborhood concepts, climate protection and efficiency measures as well as in the expansion, maintenance and operation of energy supply systems and heater networks. As an independent engineering company for energy engineering and technical building equipment, we offer services from the development and planning to the construction and the construction supervision up to the operation and regulation of power supply systems. Our team currently consists of roughly 30 people, such as Engineers, Technical System Planners, Business Economists.


Initial Situation
We are working on a variety of different projects in the fields of building technology, energy infrastructure, conceptual design and consulting in the field of energy supply. Projects vary widely in terms of their scope and requirements, for example regarding manpower or timeline. This project aims at improving the companywide exchange of project experiences/figures and thereby improving their long term value. Performance indicators of completed and / or commissioned projects shall be better included in the planning process of future projects.

A joint controlling tool is to be selected for all projects and work areas. The temporal, personnel and financial requirements of the projects are thus to be recorded, the status of the project and resources are queried and economic evaluations can be conducted. Averdungs requirements should be identified and captured in a specification sheet. Further an investigation of controlling tools as well as an evaluation of advantages and disadvantages is needed.

Project Target(s)
- Specification sheet for controlling software in Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft
- Market overview and recommendation of a controlling software

Scope of Duties
- Familiarization of Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft processes and structures
- Creation of a specification sheet with regard to controlling software
- Research and compilation of a market overview of various controlling tools
- Testing various controlling tools
- Collaboration with Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft staff and individual tools
- Evaluate the different controlling tools in relation to the requirements of Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft and select an optimal solution

Target Group
Students interested in
- project management, management and controlling
- key figures of project management and optimization
- software of project planning and evaluation

Please keep the following dates in mind:

  • 23. October: Info Event, 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock in the LuK-Mehrzweckraum, mainbuilding
  • 1. November: Kick-Off-Event, 14:00 to 17:30 o'clock
  • 4. and 12. November: Projektmanagement-Workshop, ca. 09:00 to 17:00 o'clock
  • 8. November: kickoff meeting with the company 9.30 to 11.30 am at Averdung, Planckstr. 13 · 22765 Hamburg
  • 24. November: Workshop "Führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion", ca. 09:00 bis 17:00 o'clock