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HAMBURG WASSER - Building Information Modeling

Description of the company

HAMBURG WASSER is the municipal utility for drinking water supply and wastewater disposal in Hamburg. With around 2000 employees, HAMBURG WASSER is primarily committed to serve the interests of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH) and its citizens. In 2006, the municipal waterworks of Hamburg (Hamburger Wasserwerke GmbH, HWW) and the municipal wastewater department (Hamburger Stadtentwässerung, HSE) merged to the company HAMBURG WASSER (HW). HAMBURG WASSER offers its services not only in Hamburg but also in the metropolitan area, so that the company supplies around 2 Million people with high-quality drinking water and is responsible for their wastewater disposal.


HAMBURG WASSER, as a closely networked company with close proximity to the city, would like to help advance digitalisation. Every year, more than 500 construction sites are carried out by us. A large part of the construction work is planned by our internal engineering office, while other, mainly large, plant construction projects are carried out with the help of external service providers. During the execution of a construction project, various drawings are produced during planning, execution and inventory documentation. These drawings are modified several times and stored as partial products in a document management system. The drawings are indexed and can thus be made accessible to employees during the operating phase of the building. Up to now, the internal data streams have been shaped by working methods from the past. The drawings are generated and stored as they were in the time of the paper plans.


The BIM (Building Information Modeling) method is becoming increasingly established for planning and cooperation in construction projects. HAMBURG WASSER is a member of the BIM Hub ( and has had its first successful experiences with the method. Currently different software with different data formats and different platforms is used for the cooperation. In the different projects different 3D models are used, which complicate a uniform later use. HAMBURG WASSER operates its own plant over a long service life. Accordingly, the phase of operational use is of great importance for daily work. The aim is to create a company database with a high degree of standardisation.

Aims of the project

The aim is to develop a company database with a high degree of standardisation in HAMBURG WASSER.

Areas of responsibility

It will be investigated which standards exist in the construction industry in the BIM environment, which BIM databases exist and how a BIM system architecture for HAMBURG WASSER with its focus on plant maintenance and operation must be designed. The basic principles and minimum requirements for a BIM data model based on IFC are to be developed.

Target group (students)

TUHH students who are interested and motivated to work independently and creatively on the content of the described task. The enthusiasm for topics such as digitisation, modelling, databases and innovations is particularly important.


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